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Today is the worst day in my life.

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    Hi Josh,

    I just found this thread and read the entire thing. As you can tell, you are well-loved by the membership here, and by me too, brother.

    I will keep you, Rose, and your family in my prayers. May peace, hope, strength, understanding, and yes, even joy meet you where you are, draw your family closer to each other and closer to the One who brought all of us into this world and takes us from it, according to His will.

    Your step-dad sounds like a stand-up guy. And I'm sure all of your brothers will grow stronger through this experience. Celebrate your Mom's life and be thankful for the time you shared here on this earth.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you,



      I too just came across this thread. I can't believe what you are going through, but I know you can count on us to help you through. Don't know what else to say, just shocked...
      Currently bikeless
      '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
      '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

      I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

      "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


        In my thoughts in prayers. From one human being to another.


          Josh, I am so sorry to hear your Moms passed. Of course, I know you've heard it plenty, but again; and I think it goes for everyone in this community- anything you need, you know you can count on us.

          I lost my Mom suddenly as well- 2 years ago, on Valentines Day... She'd been in poor health, but was doing pretty well just weeks before. Since my step-dad & her were having their 25th Anniversary in early January, my gift was weekend in Savannah to enjoy the historic sites, horse-drawn carriage, the whole works.. Mom was thrilled. She'd always wanted to spend a weekend there & they had a magnificent time. Unfortunately, the weather had been pretty cold & rainy while they were there and Mom came down with pneumonia which was too much for her already tired body to fight. We were very close & blamed myself because I should have known better, I guess.

          I dunno.. I feel terrible for you & now I'm not even sure now where I was trying to go with this... I guess the point that I am trying to get to is that even though I was angry for what I blamed upon myself & never said "good-bye" like I always thought I would get to do; it isn't any of that I really remember now. Everything good, what she told me, taught me, and the best of times are the memories I keep. Although she's gone, she left behind fond memories for me. That's all I could ever ask.

          I hope some of this made some sense. My prayers to you & your family. Hang in there.


            Tried to do this a couple of days ago but found it to hard.Lost my mother July 1(Canada day)five years ago.It was not sudden like your mothers so I thought I was prepared.I was wrong.The 'out of the blue' makes it harder I would guess.Even though I don't know you my thoughts are with you.



              There is nothing anybody can say at this time that will take away your sorrow. The only thing we can hope is that you know that you are being thought of and that prayers are being said for you and your family. I pray that you will be held and comforted by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.



       sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. Glad you, your brothers, and your step-father are close and are able to support each other. You and your family are in our prayers.


                  That was a brave post, Josh.
                  I'm only new in here but I still give you my heart and strength.
                  My sympathies and thoughts to you and your family.
                  Hold strong, mate.



                    Sorry for your sad news

                    Don't say can't, as anything is possible with time and effort, but, if you don't have time things get tougher and require more effort.


                      So nice to see the newer part of the family helping Josh thru this trying time.
                      You newbies were sent here for a reason...You probably deserve a fantastic group of family like this...I am so proud of everyone of them!

                      Josh, You have been loved on this site for a very long time, by very much of this family...nothing has, or will, change...
                      My love and prayers are still with your family. God bless mom......pmint


                        I just read your post Josh, Im very sorry to hear of the passing of your Mother.

                        I understand your feelings after I lost my sister 12 years ago to suicide. I was the last person to talk to her, and the first to identify her :'(

                        We were not the closest but we were, we argued and didnt get along but we did, we hated and loved each other. She was like a Mum to me and to this day I still find myself thinking of her, remembering my time with her, looking at something and saying "she would like that" or "that would be perfect for her", talking like she is still here with me, and in some ways I feel that she is.

                        Thats my best advice, just Remember your time together and apart, good and bad, and treasure it all

                        Take care mate!
                        Queensland Australia

                        GS750B (1977)
                        Wiseco 850 kit, K&N pods, 4-1 transac, Custom 2 pak paint, IKON shocks, Custom L.E.D light boards (turn + stop/tail + dash)


                          So sorry for your loss......


                            How are things? Let us all know.


                              Mine and Erin's heart go out to you, your brother, and the rest of your family.
                              Al Jones
                              82 Suzuki GS850GL
                              97 Suzuki TL1000S
                              "Godspeed and may your rubber not fail".
                              Bill Cosby - "A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice."

                              ___ -\


                                Josh, I know its been 10 days but this is the first time I've been on here in 2 weeks. This news is awful. I'm sorry for your loss. I've been a member for several years but never post much, if there is ever a reason to post it is now. This sort of hits home just days before your terrible loss my family learned that my Mom has a incurable neurological disease which is the reason I've haven't been on the site in so long. BUt this isn't about me. It is great to see so many people who have never met come together to give support to you and your family in the toughest of times. Your family is in my thoughts. Stuart

