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Let's See What We Can Do To Help Josh!!!

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    Let's See What We Can Do To Help Josh!!!

    Everyone here should know the tragic loss Josh is going through. If not here is a link to his thread, We've done this before quite a few times and I think it's time to do it again. We need to set up a fund to help Josh and his family through this troubling time. If he has a Paypal account we can go that route. I know these are tough times for everyone, but if enough people can pitch in $10 or $20 it will go a long way in helping him and his family.

    UPDATE: Here is the Paypal account info for those that wish to send funds that way, . I've asked for the home address for those that might choose to mail funds rather than Paypal.

    I now have the home address for Josh and Rose. If anyone needs it please PM me so we don't have to post it up here.
    Last edited by Guest; 09-03-2010, 12:31 AM.

    I'm in Billy, just post up the details.


      Thanks Joe, I'll get Frank to put a sticky on this so it stays at the top of the page.


        Count me in. I have been blessed this year as far as work and income goes. It's only fair to share it with someone that really needs it.

        Just tell me where to send something to.


          Originally posted by JJ View Post
          Count me in. I have been blessed this year as far as work and income goes. It's only fair to share it with someone that really needs it.

          Just tell me where to send something to.
          I have been blessed many times over in my life. When my family lost our parents we were in the same boat Josh finds himself in now, no life insurance. Luckily there was 10 kids to share the responsibility. Things are tight for my wife and I right now but this has touched me deeply and I will help.


            That sounds good to me. It's the thing I love about this site, I guess it's about biking in general. You wave to total strangers, do the head node acknowledging you have something in common. You stop ready to do what ever you can to help a total stranger. Biking really is something unique.
            1983 1100ES, 98' ST1100, 02' DR-Z400E and a few other 'bits and pieces'
            Are you on the GSR Google Earth Map yet?


              Let us know, how to make it happen.

              83 GS1100g
              2006 Triumph Sprint ST 1050

              Ohhhh!........Torque sweet Temptress.........always whispering.... a murmuring Siren


                Good thinking


                  Okay, Frank has stickied this and Josh's thread. I've PM'ed Josh to see if he has a Paypal account so he can get the funds instantly. If he does and he doesn't mind sharing the account info I'll post it up when he responds. Thanks to those that have already replied. I'll see if I can get a home address for those that don't use Paypal.
                  Last edited by Guest; 09-02-2010, 11:34 PM.


                    Originally posted by Billy Ricks View Post
                    Okay, Frank has stickied this and Josh's thread. I've PM'ed Josh to see if he has a Paypal account so he can get the funds instantly. If he does and he doesn't mind sharing the account info I'll post it up when he responds. Thanks to those that have already replied.
                    Billy, thanks a lot for caring enough to get this started. You are a good person!

                    I have no doubts that the GSR membership will dig deep and help out yet another member.

                    We all may disagree on a lot of things, but when a fellow member needs help, we come together as one.
                    Last edited by Guest; 09-03-2010, 04:32 AM.


                      Thank you

                      I cannot put in to words how thankful I am that we are a part of this GS family. Joshua and I are so very blessed to have friends like all of you, especially in this difficult time.

                      I wish there was a way for me to truly express my gratitude. Everyone's kind words, thoughts, and prayers have already helped us tremendously. I just really don't know what else to say, except thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.

                      Our paypal address is

                      Again, thank you. For everything. This is such a devastating thing to be going through and we appreciate all the love that has been sent our way.


                        Originally posted by kinnet View Post
                        I cannot put in to words how thankful I am that we are a part of this GS family. Joshua and I are so very blessed to have friends like all of you, especially in this difficult time.

                        I wish there was a way for me to truly express my gratitude. Everyone's kind words, thoughts, and prayers have already helped us tremendously. I just really don't know what else to say, except thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.

                        Our paypal address is

                        Again, thank you. For everything. This is such a devastating thing to be going through and we appreciate all the love that has been sent our way.
                        Josh is a lucky man to have you. Thanks for sharing the Paypal info. I'll send what I can tomorrow evening after I get home from work and visiting my wife's mom who gets home from France in the afternoon. There might be some that won't use Paypal. If you wouldn't mind passing your home address along to me I'll share it with those that choose to mail funds.

                        Take care and be strong for Josh.


                          Thanks also Billy. Check your PayPal Rose.
                          '84 GS750EF (Oct 2015 BOM) '79 GS1000N (June 2007 BOM) My Flickr site


                            Originally posted by Sandy View Post
                            Thanks also Billy. Check your PayPal Rose.
                            The thanks goes to you Sandy, all I did was start a thread.


                              Billy, and everyone: Let me preface this by saying that I am humbled, and awed by the generosity of the residents of this forum. Over the past three years both Rose and I have met quite a few of you, and not one of any of you, despite disagreements we may have had, would I ever not go out of my way to help if I had the means to do so. So many of you have been here for some of the worst times of my life. A few of you have become surrogate family to me as, aside from my brother Joe, my stepfather and my mother, I really don't speak to my family. I also don't keep many friends. A lot of you are the closest things to every day friends as I keep. Some of you have become brothers to me. But all of you have made an impression on me of family and kinship that I have been missing for a long time.

                              Already this year many of you have touched our hearts by banding together to surprise Rose and I with a way over the top wedding gifts. Honestly, we never expected that, and we were just happy to have those of you who were able to, join us in celebrating our union. That simply would have been enough, but you guys took it one step further. Our hearts were filled with amazement at the generosity displayed by you all. You really shouldn't have, but we appreciated it. Just saying thanks is not enough in my opinion. We have been truly blesses to be welcomed into this family, and we are honoured to call you friends and family.

                              This has been without a doubt the toughest year of my life. Aside from marrying the love of my life, and my best friend, nothing has seemed to go the way I thought it would this year. Even when something good has happened, two or three bad things have happened to counteract it.
                              The last two days have been nearly unbearable fir me. Inside, I have fought the urge to simply shut down, forcing myself to stay busy, to keep my mind on something else. Normally all of this, the talking about it I have done, would have been buried inside. That's how I've always been. But for once, I realize that shutting down right now isn't an option. I need to be there for my brother, my stepfather and for Rose. It's hard for me to share this stuff but I have been forcing myself to in an attempt to be both more receptive to those who need to vent to me, and to allow them to see that I am grieving, but I'm not simply walling myself in until I'm ready to deal with it. It sounds very cliche I'm sure, but this still doesn't feel real. Until my mother is cremated, and all of this is taken care of, I'm not sure I will fully comprehend what it means exactly.

                              While talking to Bob today, he began to show signs of cracking under the weight. With the cost of the memorial/cremation expenses, he is starting to fear that he may lose the home he and my mother bought together, and worked hard to maintain. While my mom was on disability, and had Medicare/Medicaid, some of the processors and doctors she had to see for her conditions they still had to pay for out of pocket. My stepfather has good insurance but adding my mother to it would have been another $400 out of pocket every month. That simply wasn't feasible for them. Recently a couple of the proceedures she had to undergo cost quite a bit out of pocket, and they fell behind on their bills and mortgage. They went into forbearance on the home, and were diligently catching back up. They only had two more months and they would have been on an even keel again and the mortgage payment would have gone back to roughly half of what they were paying now. And now this.

                              Please understand, I cannot begin to explain how grateful Rose and I are for all so many of you have already done for us. I have never felt so accepted and welcome by a group of people, some of whom I've never had the pleasure of shaking hands with, or buying a beer. I cannot even begin to explain how it makes me feel. However, while I am deeply humbled by Billy's effort, and all of you who've allowed me to share feelings that are so very hard for me to expose, I am not the one who needs the help right now. I also cannot accept the generosity you are all sharing. What I can do is pass it on to Bob. My biggest concern is getting my mother taken care of, and making sure Bob is going to be OK. If any of you feel as though you want to help, on behalf of him, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I don't even have the words to express what I'm feeling by all of this. And for those of you who wish to donate something to him, but don't want to use paypal, I can give you his address if you would like it, or perhaps Billy can collect it and pass it on to him.

                              Again, I am not asking anyone for charity, for anything more than you've already offered and that is an ear/eye for me to speak to, to help me through this. I have offered up quite a few bits that I have laying around, for whatever you may want to offer for it. All of these proceeds will either go to help with the expenses in dealing with my mothers remains, or to help Bob take care of his home and lessen the burden on him. I have also offered to entertain reasonable offers on my 1100ES. I cannot say anything more than thank you all so much, for everything, but please, understand that it's very hard for me to accept the help that is being offered, and my wish is that, if you feel the desire to help, we help Bob rather than myself.

                              Thank you all so very much for understanding, and giving me the chance to get through this and sharing my feelings with you. I am forever in debt to you all.


