Tom, if you see this, please remember that you are like a brother to me, and I love you lots! Me and Beth are there for you through all of this. Your strength will overcome this!
EDIT: From Tom's friend Lynda, reposted from planecrazy's post:
Due to popular demand, I've asked Tom to open a bank account so anyone can send a donation directly there.
Make checks/money orders, etc. payable to THOMAS MURPHY and mail directly to:
Union Bank
1109 E. Arques Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Account No. 1381111549
The check does not have to be endorsed by Tom before depositing.
Please attach a note requesting your gift be deposited to Tom's account.
Be sure to include the account number.
Your name will be kept completely confidential. If you want Tom to know you've made this gift, please e-mail him directly: infinami at earthlink dot net (email purposely mis-typed to throw off spammers)
Thank you so much.
EDIT: You can also send a Paypal donation directly to Tom using the above email address - please be sure to mark it as a "gift" in Paypal and pick up the small Paypal charge (if any) on your end, so that all the funds you've earmarked for Tom go to him entirely... THANKS!
Please help if you can. Tom has lost his income from his fitness instructor job, so anything you can do will certainly help.
12/7/2012 EDIT: Tom is raffling off his beautiful 78 GS1000C. Here is the thread:
If you want to ust send a smaller donation and not participate in the raffle, please still use the paypal address listed in the raffle thread. Thanks.