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Please give your support and prayers to Tom MLC
You're my brother and I feel you to the core but I won't be sharing the basement with you next year damn it.1983 GS 1100E w/ 1230 kit, .340 lift Web Cams, Ape heavy duty valve springs, 83 1100 head with 1.5mm oversized SS intake valves, 1150 crank, Vance and Hines 1150 SuperHub, Star Racing high volume oil pump gears, 36mm carebs Dynojet stage 3 jet kit, Posplayr's SSPB, Progressive rear shocks and fork springs, Dyna 2000, Dynatek green coils and Vance & Hines 4-1 exhaust.
1985 GS1150ES stock with 85 Red E bodywork.
pmint patti
Dear Tom,
Remember all the nice things you've said to me in the past... when I had troubles? Well right back at you kid. This is just another one of God's tests. Do NOT lose Faith.
I'll get you on all the prayer lists that I can. Stay strong. Stay positive, I will be directing my healing, loving thoughts to the SW Coastal area.
Just put up your invisible antenna, and you'll get a LOT of our vibes.
Love be with you,
Forum LongTimerGSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- Oct 2006
- 14030
- London, UK to Redondo Beach, California
Anyone who's this cool can lick cancer..... Thinking of ya Tom. Dan
1980 GS1000G - Sold
1978 GS1000E - Finished!
1980 GS550E - Fixed & given to a friend
1983 GS750ES Special - Sold
2009 KLR 650 - Sold - gone to TX!
1982 GS1100G - Rebuilt and finished. - Sold
2009 TE610 - Dual Sporting around dreaming of Dakar..... - FOR SALE!
TWINPOT BRAKE UPGRADE LINKY: http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...e-on-78-Skunk/
Just read the bad news. Damn how terrible and way to close to home. But I know you, and your too damn hardheaded to allow this to get you. I know that down deep inside there's a bad dude just waiting to kick a$$ on this CANCER. Just waiting for the chance to tell it where it can go!!! You'll beat this thing and in the meantime, all the people that know and respect you will be there fighting with you. You are always in my thoughts. God keep you safe.
Good vibes and prayers headed your way, tom.
a large part of getting through cancer treatments is attitude. if you have the same level of stubborness you must have had to restore GS's like you do, you'll be fine!
good luck tom. for the little time i have know u i do have to say i hope all is well i would like to ride with u one day... so good luck and get better
pmint patti
Yep, we're still here...praying for you. The comment on attitude is "right-on"... Keep on keeping on...
Funny (that I would start out such a dire post with an amusing thought). I'm 53 years old, and have never been seriously sick in all my life. I have little experience with hospitals. Never a broken bone. Heck, I still have my appendix AND tonsils. So how ironic, the first time I have a medical challenge, it's gotta be the fight of my life.
The good news (and there's plenty of it), is I think we're still early. I know we're still on a learning curve, and more tests are needed. But it looks like it hasn't spread yet. All the imaging, blood tests, urine tests, stool tests show nothing of concern on other organs. I think they haven't covered all the bases yet. I will find out more on my next appointment.
More good news is I have a great deal of confidence in my medical team. The VA Hospital in Palo Alto, in close association with Stanford Medical. Best in the world, I'm told. All my doctors are Stanford staff. And all my imaging and test results are being reviewed at Stanford. There is comfort in that.
That's not to say I will not seek a second opinion. In fact, I have a call pending with Cancer Treatment Center of America, in Phoenix. I'm sure they will need to see the reports from the VA, and maybe I will need to fly down to spend a few days with them. So Patti, I may be in your territory soon!
Still more good news is the overwhelming love and support I'm getting from all my friends. Including everyone here. Most of whom I've never even met. I do believe in the power of prayer, and I feel them all. No doubt it fuels my confidence gives me strength. Although I'm facing the toughest challenge I could ever have, I know there's an army behind me. That should be enough to scare off any foe!
I'm gonna beat this thing!
Is there bad news? Well sure, it's CANCER. But I refuse to dwell on the negative. Every day there are more success stories of cancer survivors. I plan to add my testimonial.
Bruce & Beth, what can I say? You are the most compassionate and unselfish people I have ever met. Anyone here who has met them will back me up on that. Bruce, you are truely my best friend. I'm glad you have my back. And you know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. Save me a spot in the garage, b'cuz I will be back in the saddle and ready to share the road with you.
Bill, are you kidding? I'm gonna take full advantage of this. You know Beth will insist I have the guest bedroom from here on out.
To everyone else. Friends I have and have not met. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. I will win this fight. There are still many rally's in my future. I'm looking forward to sharing the road with all of you.
pmint patti
Funny you should say that........about coming this way. For sure let me know, OK?
We have another GSer who is taking his wife to Phoenix, so she can go to Mayo Clinic, in the end of October...
I'm trying to make arrangements to meet them now.
They may want privacy....but, please pray for them also... They've been on this forum for an awful long time, and I met him on Dave's (RIP) First GS Reunion/Rally, in Missouri.
I've also had dinner with his wife and kids... A wonderful God-fearing and God-loving family.
I will let him write his own thing if he wants...Or at least I would respect them...
Keep praying everyone...We've got our work cut out for us!.....
Blessed Be,
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- May 2002
- 19455
- Toronto, Canada
Originally posted by Tom MLC View Post
More good news is I have a great deal of confidence in my medical team. The VA Hospital in Palo Alto, in close association with Stanford Medical. Best in the world, I'm told. All my doctors are Stanford staff. And all my imaging and test results are being reviewed at Stanford. There is comfort in that.
Still more good news is the overwhelming love and support I'm getting from all my friends. Including everyone here. Most of whom I've never even met. I do believe in the power of prayer, and I feel them all. No doubt it fuels my confidence gives me strength. Although I'm facing the toughest challenge I could ever have, I know there's an army behind me. That should be enough to scare off any foe!
I'm gonna beat this thing!
Is there bad news? Well sure, it's CANCER. But I refuse to dwell on the negative. Every day there are more success stories of cancer survivors. I plan to add my testimonial.
To everyone else. Friends I have and have not met. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. I will win this fight. There are still many rally's in my future. I'm looking forward to sharing the road with all of you.
There are those who disbelieve.
There are those who believe, but still wait for it to be shown to them. There are others of us for whom God has shown there is no room at all for doubt.
Remember just one thing: the power of prayer is in the depth of sincerity.A take-away:
Hey, Tom!
Just got back from the 1st Annual Dave Davis Fennimore Rally to this news ... Sorry to hear you've been dealt such a challenge, but know this:
There is a lot of positive energy coming your way, whether in prayer, healing thoughts, etc, and as has already been mentioned the most powerful tool you have at your disposal is PMA (Positive Mental Attitude). My father in law was diagnosed with very late stage 4 colon cancer twelve years ago (my wife and I were told to move our wedding up six months because there was some doubt he'd make it. Not only did he make it, but with PMA he breezed through chemo with almost no side effects whatsoever, and for eleven of the last twelve years he's been perfectly healthy.
Last year he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and nine months ago (after a round of chemo) he had radioactive "beads" placed on the tumor. Again, he's carried on with almost no trouble, and though he won't know the status for several months it certainly seems as though he's doing fine. In short, he's been an inspiration and role model for anyone battling this disease in all its forms.
I hope this and other success stories will help you maintain the PMA you already seem to be displaying. Keep it up and beat the $hit out of it, Pal!
Hi Tom,
Thanks for the update. You are absolutely right; It's early, it's small, it's localized, you're healthy, you've got great people treating you, and a load of friends praying for you and wishing you well. This is no hill for a "stepper".
All the best to you and yours,