The GSR brethren really rallied behind Billy Ricks's great-niece Elizabeth and the expression of love she showed for her ailing father during the Brickfish competition...

Elizabeth came in first place, or maybe I should say, she had the most click though votes, but as it turns out she didn't win. Of far more importance than this was the news posted by Billy a couple of weeks ago...
I've volunteered to be the pivot person to gather the funds should anyone be interested in supporting this worthy cause.
Please send Paypal for contributions to nessism@sbcglobal.net
Please include your name of course and reference the collage fund in the title to help me keep track. I'll post the names of the contributers here in this thread, or if you'd rather not be mentioned, just let me know that as well.
Take care and god bless.
Edit: Contributors list

Billy Ricks
Bert Dodds aka 'Bert Patterson'
Don Pepe aka 'dpep'
Rob Hayward aka 'azr'
I'd prefer to remain anonymous - just list a "GSR member"
Ed Ness aka 'Nessism'
From 'Pennsyltucky'
Rose "Kinnet"
Jeff Rose aka Roadrash
Bob Blackmore
Hi Ed, I'd like to remain anonymous. Thanks for your efforts.
Since you're wrapping this up, seems she could use a little more help. Best of luck, prayers and best wishes for father and daughter. "GSR member" (again)
Mike Riddle