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Peppermint Pattie's Condition

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  • Baatfam
    Happy belated birthday, Patti!

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  • Peppermint Patti
    Well it looks like it's 8 yrs later. I haven't croaked yet, and I turned 69 yesterday.
    My back is in too bad of condition to ride the rice rocket anymore, therefore I will sell it. Was thinking of getting something smaller, but, it seems every day there is more and more traffic here. Outrageous tourism!
    I had no idea admins put this in a special thread! It sure made me smile... and reminded me to be humble... I love you guys, this family... and always will!

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  • pmint patti
    Guest replied
    You devil-boy!!!......Go get 'em.
    You'll know when it's me.

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  • UncleMike
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by pmint patti View Post
    Do you still have my phone # ? That would be too much fun.
    What kind of work did you find? A nice young woman in your life yet?
    Please, pm me, if you need any info.
    I don't have your number anymore, no. Was lost a couple of phones ago.

    There are a couple of companies I work with out there, but I'm still 100% freelance so location isn't all that important.

    Patti, there are so many nice young women in my life, but I have yet to find one that makes me forget all the others.

    I will, however, keep looking with enthusiasm.

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  • pmint patti
    Guest replied
    Do you still have my phone # ? That would be too much fun.
    What kind of work did you find? A nice young woman in your life yet?
    Please, pm me, if you need any info.

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  • UncleMike
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by pmint patti View Post
    Hi Mike!
    Long time no type (from me)
    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

    Guitar seems to be the thing out here in the sticks.
    You ever coming this way?
    Moving to the SF Bay in a month. That'll put me a lot closer. I plan on making quite a few rides out your way.

    So soon!

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  • pmint patti
    Guest replied
    Hi Mike!
    Long time no type (from me)
    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

    Guitar seems to be the thing out here in the sticks.
    You ever coming this way?

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  • UncleMike
    Guest replied
    Guitar lessons! That'll thera-pute some mobility back into those creaky digits!

    Hope you're well, Patti. We miss you!

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  • pmint patti
    Guest replied
    Update: I started taking guitar lessons a couple of weeks ago.
    I'm dying to get back riding again. (Just another one of my jokes...)
    I've also heard from Ray, about my parts.
    He sure is a kind, and a one of a kind, sort of guy.

    Thanks again Ray, I'll pm you soon.

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  • pmint patti
    Guest replied
    Thanks Keith, and everyone who has helped me thru this most trying of times. If I could only tell all you newer guys about the miracles that've witnessed on this site.
    Indeed, you are ALL very important... WE are all important to each other. Gramma knows....
    Sorry I havent spent much time on the computer in a lot of months. My right hand was messed up pretty bad, still is a little. I have about 70-80% usage...(same in my right ankle). I had to learn to write all over again. but, all those good thoughts and prayers have taken me a long way, and I know they still continue. Maybe another miracle will happen and I'll get my 'stuff' together! (...and use my computer more. I do owe you guys, you've always been there for me...

    My friend who alerted you guys to my recent truck accident, Bob, has moved in my 2nd bedroome, as he has lost his home due to the economy. this housing thing is criminal!

    Justgot company...more later.

    Much love,

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    Just read this Pmint. Glad you're on the mend.
    Hope your Thanksgiving was nice and hope the holidays are good to you. Just be careful if you go shopping, I hear it's brutal out there. Some lady in a nearby town made headlines a couple days ago when she pepper sprayed several other shoppers who shopped a little too close to her. She escaped but turned herself in today. She's charged with battery. Several counts I think. Crazy stuff.
    You lucky dog. I looovvve El Camino's. Take care.

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  • pmint patti
    Guest replied
    gsbill: I did get a call from Billy O. when he came to Pheonix. It was good to hear he's now happily married with a baby daughter! How wonderful.

    Ron, yes, that is the right gear I need! Ray know which one....
    I have to get in touch with Ray in Calif. to get the rest of my parts back. I might owe him more $$$ than I sent.

    Billy, Could you ask Ray if it will fit and let me know how much it is? You may be a lifesaver.

    Scrapper: Yes the El Camino runs like a top!!
    I took it to a local mechanic for a tune up and had to bring it back 3 times !! It kept backfiring a real lot. I figured it was undriveable...That took 3 weeks and cost me $248.00... Of course I was not amused.
    2 weeks after that, my x-hubby looked at it and two plug wires were on the wrong plugs. (I got new plugs and all new plug wires...) I gave the guy a good dressing down today, and he agreed to give my 'x' $50.00, for fixing his mistake. Not a real bad deal.
    But it purrs like a kitten now. It's got a 350 and has plenty of power.
    ALSO...Thanks for the prayers!

    Mike; Wow that was juat 5 days before my crash. Very sorry I missed you!

    Miss Fab, I miss you too! If you still have my # feel free to call me, or
    you can always pm me...Luv !!!

    DrunkenChekhov: Nice to meet such a nice new family member. Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers.

    And everybody else...STAY OUT OF TROUBLE AND KEEP YOUR HEADS LOW....

    Much love,

    I'm still going to physical therapy for my broken neck
    Last edited by Guest; 11-16-2011, 04:07 AM.

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  • scrapper
    Guest replied
    HTML Code:
    Good news, friends ! I bought a new battery for my 75 El Camino.
    It was in very good shape, motor and tran, And I really always wanted one anyway. I bought it about 3 yrs ago....
    Well, we gave it a try, and it started right up and ran like a top today. :D
    You have a 75 ElCamino??? You are a lucky dog lucky dog!!!

    I dont know you but you are in my prayers for a heathy recovery. Great Luck in the future.
    May the Good Lord in Heaven smile on you

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  • Billy Ricks
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by argonsagas View Post
    An "outer starter-motor gear, the larger one on the outside. "?

    I may still have an old starter off the 1100G somewhere in the garage, but I only recall there being one small gear on the starter shaft.
    I think she needs the gear that is between the starter gear and the starter clutch, an idler gear of sorts.

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  • argonsagas
    Originally posted by pmint patti View Post
    Thank you, EVERY ONE, You sure do bring my spirits up.

    Good news, friends ! I bought a new battery for my 75 El Camino.
    It was in very good shape, motor and tran, And I really always wanted one anyway. I bought it about 3 yrs ago....
    Well, we gave it a try, and it started right up and ran like a top today.

    Have to get te Plates and ins., to get it on the road..
    I still need an outer starter-motor gear, the larger one on the outside.
    It's GS1100,1981
    . Ray is short on them.

    Luv all of you!
    Gramma Sunshine

    An "outer starter-motor gear, the larger one on the outside. "?

    I may still have an old starter off the 1100G somewhere in the garage, but I only recall there being one small gear on the starter shaft.

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