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Peppermint Pattie's Condition
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OMG Enough is Enough! Will the controlling powers (whom ever you may be) please give this girl a break? Prayers and love coming your way Patti. get better soon!
Guest repliedAny updates?
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Patti, I'm sorry to hear that you got hurt but I am thankful that it happened in the truck and not the bike. Listen to what the doctors say and hurry up and get out of rehab. Prayers coming your way!
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Patti, this overriding urge you have to compete with everyone else has just got to stop.
Some of us have been badly hurt, even died in a couple of cases and then revived, but for cumulative damage.....You won!
You are the overall winner.
Now, stop it!
Get better soon, dear lady, and please keep us informed of progress.
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Guest repliedOriginally posted by haztoys View PostI drive past where she is staying going to work ... If theres anything Patti needs or any help I would be glad to help ...
If you wouldn't mind printing out this thread (and updates) from time to time and bringing them to Patti (Sexton) that would be awesome - I'm sure she'll appreciate it!
I am so sorry to hear that you're in yet another physical struggle - you've certainly endured more than your share, and you're due for a break, girlfriend! I sure hope you feel better soon, and that you mend quickly! As always, positive energy heading your way, Hon!!!
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Just saw this Patti.
Hope all is going as well as can be expected and that you have a speedy healing process. Take it slow and prayers are being sent your way...
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Guest repliedThank God she was in the truck not the bike... from what I hear she drives one heck of a cage so if it was that bad she needed every bit of help should could.
I also agree lets get the cards a rolling, if any one is doing group rides or rallies some cards signed by several members would be good too.
I am horrible with snail mail but will attempt this.
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Pep Patti,
WOW More bad luck, but you'll come thru again!
You know this family is pulling for you.
Do as the doc's tell you and you'll be riding soon enough
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Guest replied
Hoping for a speedy recovery...
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Guest repliedSo sorry to hear about the accident. Heal up !!! That must have been one hel$ of an accident. Doesn't she drive A dodge diesel dulley PU
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Guest repliedThree to four months...yikes.
Godspeed on your recovery Patti!
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Prayers going up for Patti. Get well soon. I'd be anxious to get back to Sadona. Beautiful place!
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Here's her full name from that balloon story some time back.
Peppermint Patty Sexton
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