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Room for Neg on a Kawasaki Ninja 650 MSRP?

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    Room for Neg on a Kawasaki Ninja 650 MSRP?

    One of my boys who's done well with his money is about to spring for one of these as his first bike (like tomorrow, maybe). I was wondering if he could negotiate with them a bit, or not so much? I think the price is like $8600.

    Without the year mileage or condition of the bike, it's impossible to advise on the price.

    82 GS650E (Canadian), 83 XS650SK (Canadian), Main machines Running
    Aussie, 74 TX650A, 80 XS650SG, 81XS650SH, 80XS850, in various states of repair/disrepair
    Introduction and ongoing thread for myGS650Ez


      At $8600, it's clear that he's wanting to buy new. Actually, $8600 is above MSRP, so that's wrong. Anyway, the only way to know is to try. Play off various dealers in your area against one another for the best price. If you have cash, that helps to leverage the purchase.

      To measure is to know.

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        Kinda what I was thinking, he could try, but I'm not familiar with the market, you know, sometimes there's no chance and sometimes they can't sell 'em all before the next model year comes out.

        That reminds me about my 3rd GS - an '83 850L I bought from the original owner. I think he said it was a dealer leftover he bought in '86.

        I see now that's 600 above the MSRP that came up when I searched it, so yeah. He's doing it all on his own, so if he pays full price w/o trying I guess he can put that in the experience category for if there's a next time.

        Well, scratch that, this particular color with ABS has an MSRP of $8599 according to
        Last edited by JMHJ; 04-13-2023, 08:29 PM.


          Forty + years ago I read a book titled "You Can Negotiate Anything," by Herb Cohen.

          Highly recommend it.
          Last edited by Rob S.; 04-13-2023, 08:34 PM.
          1982 GS1100E V&H "SS" exhaust, APE pods, 1150 oil cooler, 140 speedo, 99.3 rear wheel HP, black engine, '83 red

          2016 XL883L sigpic Two-tone blue and white. Almost 42 hp! Status: destroyed, now owned by the insurance company. The hole in my memory starts an hour before the accident and ends 24 hours after.


            Originally posted by Nessism View Post
            If you have cash, that helps to leverage the purchase.
            Before I bought my XS I was looking for a Honda ST1100, a few places wanted different prices depending on whether you paid cash or credit with cash costing MORE. I've heard of that happening with cars too. Not sure if that's a way to set a bottom line price or for some other reason such as paperwork or whatever.

            1980 Yamaha XS1100G (Current bike)
            1982 GS450txz (former bike)
            LONG list of previous bikes not listed here.

            I identify as a man but according to the label on a box of Stauffers Baked Lasagne I'm actually a family of four


              Things are cooling down a bit now
              witj the auto market. Anyone who has purchased a car in the past few years most likely paid MSRP+ market adjustment. People were having a ball with corvettes and 911’s, find a dealer that would order you one 10% above MSRP, drive it a few thousand miles and sell it for 30% above MSRP.

              The FB groups were hilarious, same thing day in, day out.

              “ You are an idiot for buying a used car 30-40% over MSRP “. Then comes 20 replies “ shut up if you can’t afford the car “

              I doubt the bike market was that inflated, but who knows.

              Dealers don’t like cash, they prefer their kick back from the lending institutions.


                Yes, cash for these deals doesn't mean what it yous'ta mean, though I had no idea why.
                1983 GS1100E, 1983 CB1100F, 1991 GSX1100G, 1996 Kaw. ZL600 Eliminator, 1999 Bandit 1200S, 2005 Bandit 1200S, 2000 Kaw. ZRX 1100


                  Well, he changed his mind and went for the ZX-6R KRT Edition. His mom wasn't happy about that right away, but if he can stay out of trouble I kind of think he did the right thing. It really looks nice, and has a cool factor the twin didn't (sound, perf. on tap whether you use it or not, etc.). It's got power settings so he can dial it back, traction control, ABS. That makes me feel a little better about it too. He said the 650 was a lot more comfortable though.


                    Originally posted by JMHJ View Post
                    Well, he changed his mind and went for the ZX-6R KRT Edition. His mom wasn't happy about that right away, but if he can stay out of trouble I kind of think he did the right thing. It really looks nice, and has a cool factor the twin didn't (sound, perf. on tap whether you use it or not, etc.). It's got power settings so he can dial it back, traction control, ABS. That makes me feel a little better about it too. He said the 650 was a lot more comfortable though.

                    Both of those bikes are well outside of what might be called "beginner" class.

                    You said nothing about his experience or skill level, but one hopes he is well-equipped with both.

                    For many riders, perhaps most, a major temptation is to "see what it will do"
                    When looking for a comparison of the two bikes, I found this comment:

                    "650R increases cup size by 1
                    zx6R increases cup size by 3"​

                    I don't think it meant bra size.

                    A take-away:

