Several times a year, I hop on Suzi (11EZ). "If I get a heel-toe shifter, why can't I go for one last ride? I know I couldn't pick her up if she falls, but I could still steer her around the block. O well, back to the present."
Make sure the key turns. I even checked the operation of the fork lock tonight (A-OK). Gas cap? Fine. Hmm...some dirt around the edge. Let me put the cap on the entertainment center on the right side of the bike before I dismount to get a paper towel.
Too close to the might roll off. Let me lean off the right side of Suzi to push the cap farther from the edge.
It was hardly even a spill. More of a splash. As I put my shoes on to fetch a security guard to help me pick up Suzi, I thought, "It could be a lot worse. Could have been an open flame. The entertainment center might not have been there to catch Suzi before she was totally horizontal (she was close). And I really didn't spill too much gasoline." Which returns us to my original question:
How much gasoline, is too much gasoline...?
While we're at it, how much wood, could a woodchuck...?
Gotta go now. I'm needed at the shyte-for-brains reading room.
