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Death valley death from heatstroke

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    Death valley death from heatstroke

    I cannot fathom why anyone would purposely drive in 50 plus degree weather. over 30 in humid places is a brutal slog for anything more than a short trip.

    The rider was one of six treated for heat exposure Saturday, when the temperature at Death Valley National Park reached a new July 6 high of 128 degrees.

    The hottest I have been is in 115 in direct sunlight. F not C as F is all we had back then.
    1983 GS 550 LD
    2009 BMW K1300s

    I can't imagine why either ..... I've been in 50+c weather once before in Rajasthan.... Worst part was sitting in the airplane to get the Hell out of there for the half hour before take off before they turned on the air conditioning ...... That was when I was young....Now that I'm old 30C and I'm bitching .....
    Old age and treachery will beat youth and skill every time1983 GS 750


      I have ridden the freeway a couple of times on a hot Santa Ana winds day in LA (here come those Santa Ana winds again....) and it felt like riding into a massive hair dryer. OMG. The hottest static temp I've felt was in Sydney (and I've been to the outback in December) - it was New Year's Day '06 I believe, it was 44C or 111F in the shade. We went to the beach but it was insufferably hot there, you'd get out of the water and have to walk across scorching sand and would be dry, including your suit, by the time you got to the towel haha.

      People don't think it'll be them. They are invincible. It's sad, I'm glad I have a strong survival instinct. In Sydney, we went home, sat under the mini-split A/C, and grabbed a coldie.

      Don't even talk about humidity!


      '82 GS1100E Mr. Turbo
      '79 GS100E
      Other non Suzuki bikes


        SA winds are a profound phenomenon. Air from a desert that is quite high in moisture compresses and heats on its descent.
        The way people talk of it in terms of almost supernatural very well reflects just how much it impacts folks on a visceral level.
        1983 GS 550 LD
        2009 BMW K1300s


          Wonder why they call it death valley, horrible name.


            Just did 700kms yesterday.
            Banff to Cranbrook the to Revelstoke
            top temp was 38. Average 35
            full gear…I have a cooling vest that works pretty good and I carry a hydration pack that I constantly drink from
            I was worn out lol
            No signature :(


              Back in "79" I rode my "78" GS1000 out west and worked the "wheat harvest", TX, OK, KS, NE, hottest day we worked in was 117F, very surprised at how comfortable it was compared to back home when 98F and 99% humidity. Back around 1980, around here, they started giving us heat index temp., supposed to be how hot it feels, with our hi humidity, as opposed to how hot the actual temp. feels like, no clue about humidity level they use as their base. I greatly disagree with their numbers. Here when 98F and 99% hum. they say heat index here is108F or 109F, Our 98F days are waaay more brutal and feel waaay hotter than those 115F and 117F days out there, no comparison.
              1983 GS1100E, 1983 CB1100F, 1991 GSX1100G, 1996 Kaw. ZL600 Eliminator, 1999 Bandit 1200S, 2005 Bandit 1200S, 2000 Kaw. ZRX 1100


                I've been in 35C weather for close to a week now, picked up a nasty head bug which has raised my body temp as high as 40C at times. Been sitting at 37.5 body temp for close to 24 hours now, it's going to take a significant drop in one or the other before I make it too far.
                1980 Yamaha XS1100G (Current bike)
                1982 GS450txz (former bike)
                LONG list of previous bikes not listed here.

                I identify as a man but according to the label on a box of Stauffers Baked Lasagne I'm actually a family of four


                  Just Praise Bob and you'll be alright. We all hope.
                  1982 GS1100E V&H "SS" exhaust, APE pods, 1150 oil cooler, 140 speedo, 99.3 rear wheel HP, black engine, '83 red

                  2016 XL883L sigpic Two-tone blue and white. Almost 42 hp! Status: destroyed, now owned by the insurance company. The hole in my memory starts an hour before the accident and ends 24 hours after.


                    Riding down I-15 into Las Vegas was bad enough, Death Valley? Forget it! Opening my visor and getting blasted with 117° F was indeed like looking into a hair dryer. The tank on the FJR was too hot to touch for more than a second or two. Here in Albuquerque, after a ride on a 102° afternoon, that gas tank was 147° and gas was boiling.


                    '83 GS850G Daily rider
                    '82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress


                      Originally posted by Rob S. View Post
                      Just Praise Bob and you'll be alright. We all hope.
                      Looks like the fever finally broke and with a forecast high of only 83 (28C) tomorrow I'll be heading back westward. Still feeling awfully puny this morning that's for sure.
                      1980 Yamaha XS1100G (Current bike)
                      1982 GS450txz (former bike)
                      LONG list of previous bikes not listed here.

                      I identify as a man but according to the label on a box of Stauffers Baked Lasagne I'm actually a family of four


                        Great day today, been mid to upper 90'sF temps and 90+% humidity for several days, very brutal. Today way below normal, 87F and 49% humidity, beautiful comfortable day. According to weather man both will be starting back up tomorrow, forecast for Sun. 98F, Mon. and Tues. 100F and humidity right up there with it.... Well, sure thankful we got to enjoy today.... Lab, hoping all is well.
                        1983 GS1100E, 1983 CB1100F, 1991 GSX1100G, 1996 Kaw. ZL600 Eliminator, 1999 Bandit 1200S, 2005 Bandit 1200S, 2000 Kaw. ZRX 1100


                          There is truth in the saying "You can dress for cold but not heat"

                          Hottest temperature I experienced was 115F/45C in the shade. I was wearing full gear, leather and a helmet. The local Kansas residents asked how I could stand it.
                          As Cap said....I was younger, then.

                          Years later I saw similar temperature but with considerable more humidity. The shock in difference between onboard the plane and the local air was considerable.

                          The plane had been at about 22/23C / 72/75F but when I exited the plane the very humid air in Karachi was 115/45C. It was a shock to my system, and it felt much hotter than the numbers suggested...
                          A take-away:
                          IF YOU TAKE AWAY S FROM SIX YOU HAVE NINE


                            Originally posted by rphillips View Post
                            Back in "79" I rode my "78" GS1000 out west and worked the "wheat harvest", TX, OK, KS, NE, hottest day we worked in was 117F, very surprised at how comfortable it was compared to back home when 98F and 99% humidity. Back around 1980, around here, they started giving us heat index temp., supposed to be how hot it feels, with our hi humidity, as opposed to how hot the actual temp. feels like, no clue about humidity level they use as their base. I greatly disagree with their numbers. Here when 98F and 99% hum. they say heat index here is108F or 109F, Our 98F days are waaay more brutal and feel waaay hotter than those 115F and 117F days out there, no comparison.
                            It is the dew point you need to be concerned with the most. For any temperature and humidity combination, there is a dew point. It is the point at which your body can no longer cool itself by sweating. Trying to ignore it and tough it out is a bad idea. Mother nature always wins and you become a cabbage.
                            Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

                            I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


                              Originally posted by rphillips View Post
                              Great day today, been mid to upper 90'sF temps and 90+% humidity for several days, very brutal. Today way below normal, 87F and 49% humidity, beautiful comfortable day. According to weather man both will be starting back up tomorrow, forecast for Sun. 98F, Mon. and Tues. 100F and humidity right up there with it.... Well, sure thankful we got to enjoy today.... Lab, hoping all is well.
                              Oh yeah, after writing that yesterday I went out for a decent meal and did my laundry followed by another really good meal later, went to bed feeling pretty good. Just finished off a 250 mile sprint down I-80 and am within an hour of my next campsite which I'll probably grab for a week, possibly more. I'm in little known territory as I'm chasing a "skirt" that I met a couple of weeks back, it's usually the other way around. My guess is I'll be back down your way late summer/early autumn, more friends are now relocating down your way so if you see an uptick in weirdos moving in you can blame me.
                              1980 Yamaha XS1100G (Current bike)
                              1982 GS450txz (former bike)
                              LONG list of previous bikes not listed here.

                              I identify as a man but according to the label on a box of Stauffers Baked Lasagne I'm actually a family of four

