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Interesting numbers, unless you are a chicken

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    Interesting numbers, unless you are a chicken

    Despite more than half a billion chickens dying in USA every year., they still make profits...but while we usually do not hear about that problem, we all pay for it.

    This article from VOX explains

    Chicken giants are pushing birds to their biological limits. A staggering number die but never make it to consumers’ plates.

    Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'

    I thought the democrats were responsible for high chicken prices and Don is solely responsible for low chicken prices. Kinda like gas........
    82 1100 EZ (red)

    "You co-opting words of KV only thickens the scent of your BS. A thief and a putter-on of airs most foul. " JEEPRUSTY

