BTW....I always put ketchup on hot dogs...Ketchup, tomato and onion, is all I need.
Just the thought of mustard makes me want to puke.
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A note to new registrants...
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A note to old forum members...
I receive numerous requests from people who can no longer log in because their accounts were deleted. As mentioned in the forum FAQ, user accounts are deleted if you haven't logged in for the past 6 months. If you can't log in, then create a new forum account. If you don't get an error message, then check your email account for an activation message. If you get a message stating that the email address is already in use, then your account still exists so follow the instructions in the forum FAQ for resetting your password.
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New users should be sure to read the FAQ as well as the posts in the Announcements forum. This will answer many of the questions you may have about how this forum works.
Before posting questions in the forums be sure to use the forum search function!!! Odds are your question has already been asked and answered before. And when posting, please make sure that you post to the correct forum.
Finally, be sure to check out BassCliff's website here. He has useful information that can't be found on this site. His welcome page containing useful GS information can be found here. Be sure to check it out!
If you are a returning visitor to the forum and can't log in using your old forum name and password, chances are your account is deleted. Just create a new forum account and you should be all set.
Date | Theme | By |
1/21/2018 | Low Light | Burque73 |
1/27/2018 | Interesting/peculiar roadside attraction | dorkburger |
2/3/2018 | On the border | Burque73 |
2/10/2018 | Slightly less than perfect riding weather | Mrs. Steve |
2/18/2018 | Bikes of GSR Rallys | Jedz123 |
2/24/2018 | Sports | Burque73 |
3/3/2018 | Playing with sunlight | trevor |
3/10/2018 | Reflection | Redman |
3/17/2018 | Motorcycle packed down | storm 64 |
3/24/2018 | Something twisty | Sandy |
3/31/2018 | Water | Steve |
4/7/2018 | On or near a bridge | Baatfam |
4/14/2018 | Lonely road | Redman |
4/21/2018 | What's up? | Burque73 |
4/28/2018 | Outstanding In a Field (or at least in view) | Redman |
5/5/2018 | "Special Effect" | Sandy |
5/12/2018 | "...something different that includes a part of your bike…" | Gustovh |
5/19/2018 | your bike casting a shadow | dorkburger |
5/26/2019 | Downtown | Burque73 |
6/2/2018 | Live Action | Jedz123 |
6/9/2018 | Picture with a passenger | kerrfunk |
6/16/2018 | "…your bike with some form of "Heavy equipment." | Trevor |
6/23/2018 | Bike at the water | Redman |
6/30/2018 | Mountains | Jedz123 |
7/7/2018 | Sunset | Trevor |
7/14/2018 | Field repairs | gustovh |
7/21/2018 | Out in the rain | Baatfam |
7/28/2018 | "…one or more farm animals…" | Burque73 |
8/4/2018 | "...your bike with any art." | cowboyup3371 |
8/11/2018 | "…and interesting or really old church." | Burque73 |
8/18/2018 | Steve Murdoch | |