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Pic of the week game

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    Quite a variety of intersting photos.
    I could vote for one of best pics of the worse, or one of the unique pics, but just due to my reaction to seeing the most worst of the worst , I gotta vote for Mr Don dpep worst situation. The photo really shows the worst situation, floating big stuff and mocykles.

    although I will admit maybe my reaction to that pic remains from when first saw that pic (6-7 years ago) and thought maybe one of the bikes was a certain 1980 850G. And I recall Dons story of wading around pushing around a floating full size shipping container (dumpster?). Maybe not a valid reason for evaluating a winner in a photo contest, but, hey, this IS a mocykle forum, and is a fun game . . . .
    Last edited by Redman; 01-12-2024, 11:24 AM.
    Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
    GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


      The "Worst" is a pretty broad theme. For me the worst situation I see got to be dpep and his flood.
      1983 GS1100E, 1983 CB1100F, 1991 GSX1100G, 1996 Kaw. ZL600 Eliminator, 1999 Bandit 1200S, 2005 Bandit 1200S, 2000 Kaw. ZRX 1100


        dpep is about as bad as it gets and gets another vote from me.

        80 GS 1100 LT, 83 1100 G "Scruffy"
        81 GS 1000 G
        79 GS 850 G
        81 GS 850 L
        83 GS 550 ES, 85 GS 550 ES
        80 GS 550 L
        86 450 Rebel, 70CL 70, Yamaha TTR125
        2002 Honda 919
        2004 Ural Gear up


          dpep, 'cos I've been flooded twice and I feel the pain.
          ---- Dave

          Only a dog knows why a motorcyclist sticks his head out of a car window


            Dpep gets my vote too!
            I'm sure when Don took that picture he wasn't thinking about winning a photo contest.
            My Motorcycles:
            22 Kawasaki Z900 RS (Candy Tone Blue)
            22 BMW K1600GT (Probably been to a town near you)
            82 1100e Drag Bike (needs race engine)
            81 1100e Street Bike (with race engine)
            79 1000e (all original)
            82 850g (all original)
            80 KZ 650F (needs restored)


              Yep Mr dpep finally earns first place with that amazingly tragic picture. Vote for dpep.
              2002 bmw r1150gs 1978 gs1000E skunk les pew 1979 gs1000L dragbike
              82 gs1100L probably the next project
              1980 gs1000G the ugly 1978 gs750E need any parts?
              1978 gs1000E skunk #2 RLAP


                Gustovh glob of goo gets my vote.
                2@ \'78 GS1000


                  Another vote for Gustovh’s goo.
                  1982 GS 750TZ
                  2015 Triumph Tiger 1200

                  BikeCliff's / Charging System Sorted / Posting Pics
                  Destroy-Rebuild 750T/ Destroy-Rebuild part deux


                    Saturday tally.

                    for the variety of pics and all the intersting pics,
                    is noteable that all the votes are for two entries.

                    gustov 4, dpep 6

                    Hey, Don! You have the honor of naming a new theme/topic.

                    Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                    GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                      Congratulations Dpep!

                      An excellent job of addition Dave thank you. And it only required using two hands! haha
                      Well, we seen everyones worst...
                      What's next Dpep?
                      My Motorcycles:
                      22 Kawasaki Z900 RS (Candy Tone Blue)
                      22 BMW K1600GT (Probably been to a town near you)
                      82 1100e Drag Bike (needs race engine)
                      81 1100e Street Bike (with race engine)
                      79 1000e (all original)
                      82 850g (all original)
                      80 KZ 650F (needs restored)


                        Thanks, guys. I don't think this one has been used lately.

                        "Animals"....This one is bison in Yellowstone.

                        Believe in truth. To abandon fact is to abandon freedom.

                        Nature bats last.

                        80 GS850G / 2010 Yamaha Majesty / 81 GS850G


                          IMG_5855 by Scott Marvin, on Flickr
                          sigpic2002 KLR650 Ugly but fun!
                          2001 KLR650 too pretty to get dirty

                          Life is a balancing act, enjoy every day, "later" will come sooner than you think. Denying yourself joy now betting you will have health and money to enjoy life later is a bad bet.

                          Where I've been Riding


                            I'll go with my favorite animal...


                              One of the most famous animals.

                              DSCF0502 (1280x960).jpg

                              80 GS 1100 LT, 83 1100 G "Scruffy"
                              81 GS 1000 G
                              79 GS 850 G
                              81 GS 850 L
                              83 GS 550 ES, 85 GS 550 ES
                              80 GS 550 L
                              86 450 Rebel, 70CL 70, Yamaha TTR125
                              2002 Honda 919
                              2004 Ural Gear up


                                Originally posted by marvinsc View Post
                                IMG_5855 by Scott Marvin, on Flickr
                                I'll be VERY disappointed if you tell us that guy beat the CBX.
                                1982 GS1100E V&H "SS" exhaust, APE pods, 1150 oil cooler, 140 speedo, 99.3 rear wheel HP, black engine, '83 red

                                2016 XL883L sigpic Two-tone blue and white. Almost 42 hp! Status: destroyed, now owned by the insurance company. The hole in my memory starts an hour before the accident and ends 24 hours after.

