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Pic of the week game

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    OK this week the theme is "What's new". Put up a shot of your most recent bike purchase. This was right after I picked up my 2001 KLR 650 in Northern Alabama 6 years ago.

    2001 KLR 650 by Scott Marvin, on Flickr
    sigpic2002 KLR650 Ugly but fun!
    2001 KLR650 too pretty to get dirty

    Life is a balancing act, enjoy every day, "later" will come sooner than you think. Denying yourself joy now betting you will have health and money to enjoy life later is a bad bet.

    Where I've been Riding


      I still think it’s ugly, but it’s a fantastic machine.

      Last edited by Rich82GS750TZ; 03-02-2024, 04:10 PM.
      1982 GS 750TZ
      2015 Triumph Tiger 1200

      BikeCliff's / Charging System Sorted / Posting Pics
      Destroy-Rebuild 750T/ Destroy-Rebuild part deux


        To quote my Buddy Jeff, "When I'm riding it I'm not looking at it".
        sigpic2002 KLR650 Ugly but fun!
        2001 KLR650 too pretty to get dirty

        Life is a balancing act, enjoy every day, "later" will come sooner than you think. Denying yourself joy now betting you will have health and money to enjoy life later is a bad bet.

        Where I've been Riding


          Originally posted by marvinsc View Post
          OK this week the theme is "What's new". Put up a shot of your most recent bike purchase.
          November 15, 2021

          "I have come to believe that all life is precious." -- Eastman, TWD6.4

          1999 Triumph Legend 900 TT



            Bought Oct '13 - Sold last summer - Great bike.

            Bob T. ~~ Play the GSR weekly photo game: Pic of Week Game
            '83 GS1100E ~ '24 Triumph Speed 400 ~ '01 TRIUMPH TT600 ~ '67 HONDA CUB


              1965 Honda Super Cub. Acquired about 4 years ago. It was going to be a errand bike at the cottage but that cottage never happened. A fun bike to ride.

              2@ \'78 GS1000


                I'll throw a pic in here. May 2001 i bought a 2005 DL650, 35,000klm with suspension upgrades. Has an Elka rear shock kit with a kit in the front using gold emulators with springs to suit an 85kilo rider and me not much heavier, 4kilo's, it rides and handles real well.

                82 GS650E (Canadian), 83 XS650SK (Canadian), Main machines Running
                Aussie, 74 TX650A, 80 XS650SG, 81XS650SH, 80XS850, in various states of repair/disrepair
                Introduction and ongoing thread for myGS650Ez


                  Originally posted by 650Skull View Post
                  I'll throw a pic in here. May 2001 i bought a 2005 DL650,.......
                  Say again please.
                  Believe in truth. To abandon fact is to abandon freedom.

                  Nature bats last.

                  80 GS850G / 2010 Yamaha Majesty / 81 GS850G


                    most recent mocykl acqusition
                    2021 (10 days before Brown County) (GK engine dissasembled yet) , just unloaded off the trailer the '09 RT that brought home from the dealer, after '02 RT self-destructed (for the 2nd time).

                    Why did I get an other RT....?
                    Cuz the dealer was willing to take the '02 RT off my hands.

                    Later I figured that was not a "low" seat (like salesman said), it was an "extra Low" seat on a factory Low option bike.
                    A few weeks later I found a regular seat set to put on it.

                    Note: Prior acqusitions would be
                    2015 (02 RT in SanDiego).
                    2005 (GK & Shadow500).
                    1994 (850G).
                    1982 (650G).
                    1979 (KZ400).
                    Last edited by Redman; 03-04-2024, 10:08 PM.
                    Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                    GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                      Originally posted by dpep View Post

                      Say again please.
                      I simply assumed time travel was involved. Who knows what's going on down there.
                      2002 bmw r1150gs 1978 gs1000E skunk les pew 1979 gs1000L dragbike
                      82 gs1100L probably the next project
                      1980 gs1000G the ugly 1978 gs750E need any parts?
                      1978 gs1000E skunk #2 RLAP


                        Got-ya day and the first picture I have of the Ninj-ADV 250...

                        Willa and Daddy built.

                        Can't call it a purchase because I got it for Free... But I did buy parts to get it up and running so, that counts right?

                        My latest acquisition at least!


                          The most recent thing I bought, other than tires, was this shiny new crash bar for my beemer. I tend to tip over a bit and this makes me feel much better about it.

                          2002 bmw r1150gs 1978 gs1000E skunk les pew 1979 gs1000L dragbike
                          82 gs1100L probably the next project
                          1980 gs1000G the ugly 1978 gs750E need any parts?
                          1978 gs1000E skunk #2 RLAP


                            Originally posted by Eli69 View Post
                            The most recent thing I bought, other than tires, was this shiny new crash bar for my beemer. I tend to tip over a bit and this makes me feel much better about it.

                            oh thank God I’m not the only one.


                            80 GS 1100 LT, 83 1100 G "Scruffy"
                            81 GS 1000 G
                            79 GS 850 G
                            81 GS 850 L
                            83 GS 550 ES, 85 GS 550 ES
                            80 GS 550 L
                            86 450 Rebel, 70CL 70, Yamaha TTR125
                            2002 Honda 919
                            2004 Ural Gear up


                              I claim the "Jedez" precedence. This bike was given to me out of the title, plate, or gas tank which contains the gages. I was told that it only had about 250 miles on it and judging by the tires, it's the truth.

                              DSCF4338 (1280x960).jpg

                              80 GS 1100 LT, 83 1100 G "Scruffy"
                              81 GS 1000 G
                              79 GS 850 G
                              81 GS 850 L
                              83 GS 550 ES, 85 GS 550 ES
                              80 GS 550 L
                              86 450 Rebel, 70CL 70, Yamaha TTR125
                              2002 Honda 919
                              2004 Ural Gear up


                                It was a cold January day. I couldn't wait to get the motorcycle home! 20220127_132910~2.jpg
                                My Motorcycles:
                                22 Kawasaki Z900 RS (Candy Tone Blue)
                                22 BMW K1600GT (Probably been to a town near you)
                                82 1100e Drag Bike (needs race engine)
                                81 1100e Street Bike (with race engine)
                                79 1000e (all original)
                                82 850g (all original)
                                80 KZ 650F (needs restored)

