Was early April this year (after retiring end of November), one of the first longer rides of the year on the GK, riding on this divided highway, saw firetruck arrive on the neighborhood street that could see from the highway. I noticed a little bit of smoke comming from the eves of the garage. So I stopped and pulled into the median to see what was proceeding. I thought that, yah, I could stop here for a few minutes. Saw one guy with a bit of different uniform from the others, he was barking orders, and other guys puling the hoses and connecting to hydrant and deploying the extension nozzles and such. THought, hey, look, the supervisor and the employees har har har .... Not Me Any More...
THey started the waterflow from the extended nozzle, blasting right on the roof, apparently untill blasted thru the roofing material into the garage.
THen more smoke comming out of the garage gables. THis is about the time of this picture.
Then I put away the camera, thinking I had been there for maybe 5-10 minutes and should get going.
THen thought, hey, I dont have to be anywhere at anytime, I could stand here all afternoon if I wanted, and I want to, so I will hang around for as long as I want. All the sudden I had a new level of understanding about this retirement situation.
So, I stayed there longer, even walked back to a better vantage point.
Was interesting to watch the crew & equipment work, to watch the smoke progress from the garage, to the breezeway, to the house, and the crew expand thier efforts from the garage to the breezeway to the house.
Was maybe an hour, then had flames comming out of house attic, and they were spraying into the house.
Then when it became more obvious that I was watching someone loose their house, I decided I didn't want to spectate much more. And I found the the limiting factor was not the time, but that after having too much coffee at my breakfast stop and riding out in the cold, (and there being no "behind the trees" in highway median) the limiting factor was needing to find a bathroom, so headed on my way.
So, it was an interesting day with a couple new realizations, and I have this picture of bike and emergency equipment in action.