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    Originally posted by 650Skull View Post
    No can do. Don't and wont use hosting sites or clouds for storage.
    Any particular reason? I mean we are all entitled to our quirks, but I am curious.

    I keep over 30K photos in the cloud. My important photos are safe, even if the house burns down.

    And my Flickr account is open for viewing:
    Bob T. ~~ Play the GSR weekly photo game: Pic of Week Game
    '83 GS1100E ~ '24 Triumph Speed 400 ~ '01 TRIUMPH TT600 ~ '67 HONDA CUB


      Originally posted by Baatfam View Post
      Any particular reason? I mean we are all entitled to our quirks, but I am curious.

      I keep over 30K photos in the cloud. My important photos are safe, even if the house burns down.

      And my Flickr account is open for viewing:
      Hey Bob

      I'm not naive enough to think i can be on the web without my personal details getting used and passed around the web. That being said i am also not naive enough to believe social medi sites will look after my personal details without on selling them or changing their sites rules, (that we all agree to when we sign up), to suit them selves and change the parameters of the agreement. Was free now its limited, now go to a pay feature and you pay by a certain date or we delete information and Pics. Flickler done that a while ago when they limited the free host to 1000 pics and then they upped the cost after 2 years saying Flickr was loosing millions when they bought it.

      I like to have as much control over my personal space as possible. On my iPhone i only use the apps needed to do basic functions. All others are either not accessed or deleted and GPS has not been turned on.

      That is why you will see a copyright with my name on all my Pics. On another forum i go on i have seen photos of bikes and made up wiring diagram, posted up in a thread and the next day it is in the images on a Search for the world to see, download, and use as they wish........seen pics of simplified wiring diagram that was made by the members and posted on their site and here it was in a search. When going to the site it was blurred and only available for money..........

      Whats to stop anyone from using one of your pics for commercial use......I'm of the mind where i own my data. In the limited control i do have i intend to exercise it.
      I don't do Facebook, whatsapp, instragram or most of the other bloodsucking leaches.

      Not the best of reviews either
      Do you agree with Flickr's TrustScore? Voice your opinion today and hear what 218 customers have already said.

      Last edited by 650Skull; 10-13-2021, 06:33 PM.
      82 GS650E (Canadian), 83 XS650SK (Canadian), Main machines Running
      Aussie, 74 TX650A, 80 XS650SG, 81XS650SH, 80XS850, in various states of repair/disrepair
      Introduction and ongoing thread for myGS650Ez


        Still confused.
        My photos are copywrited. If someone uses any of my Flickr photos, I know, (tech stuff), and can take legal action, if I wish.
        No personal information in photos to speak of. Take a look at my linked Flickr account.
        My backup cloud storage is not open to the public...Of course. But I won't loose my stuff in a fire.
        Really no different than hosting your own website...

        Hey...Whatever floats your boat. I can't be limited by unfounded fear. I would love to see more of your photos, though.
        Bob T. ~~ Play the GSR weekly photo game: Pic of Week Game
        '83 GS1100E ~ '24 Triumph Speed 400 ~ '01 TRIUMPH TT600 ~ '67 HONDA CUB


          Sunset taken from our campground at Osoyoos Lake.

          Sunset at Osoyoos Lake by soates50, on Flickr
          '84 GS750EF (Oct 2015 BOM) '79 GS1000N (June 2007 BOM) My Flickr site


            Originally posted by 650Skull View Post
            I don't do Facebook, whatsapp, instragram or most of the other bloodsucking leaches.
            I feel the same. Though many of my friends put Grateful Dead stickers on their vehicles, I won't even keep any music visible when I park my car. Someone looking in won't see anything that wasn't installed by GM.

            This is the only site I visit. I like to fly under the radar...with a big loud 4-into-1 pipe.
            1982 GS1100E V&H "SS" exhaust, APE pods, 1150 oil cooler, 140 speedo, 99.3 rear wheel HP, black engine, '83 red

            2016 XL883L sigpic Two-tone blue and white. Almost 42 hp! Status: destroyed, now owned by the insurance company. The hole in my memory starts an hour before the accident and ends 24 hours after.


              Sandy, I love that lake shot.
              When consulting the magic 8 ball for advice, one must first ask it "will your answers be accurate?"

              -85 1150 es - Plus size supermodel.
              -Rusty old scooter.
              Other things I like to


                Last night at the channel to the pier

                Yes, I did that on purpose.
                Set up for long exposure (so can catch both beacon lights on), was waiting for boat pass so not blocking view of pier, then I noticed it was turning and going to pass un front of me, so tried it, thinking would just be streaks of light.
                I found it interesting that still make out the boat shape, and that see thru the cabin windows.
                Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                  Wow Dave! How artistic/surreal/spontaneous/fun/crazy is that? Good stuff!
                  Bob T. ~~ Play the GSR weekly photo game: Pic of Week Game
                  '83 GS1100E ~ '24 Triumph Speed 400 ~ '01 TRIUMPH TT600 ~ '67 HONDA CUB


                    Originally posted by Baatfam View Post
                    Wow Dave! How artistic/surreal/spontaneous/fun/crazy is that? Good stuff!

                    Yep, about as crazy as I get.

                    THis more realistic, but still has time lapse streaks of boat going up and down with waves.

                    Last edited by Redman; 10-16-2021, 09:40 PM.
                    Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                    GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                      Just a pic of the moon and Jupiter last nite. Having beers with my dad on his 82nd birthday and noticed the pretty sky during a brief visit to behind the barn.

                      2002 bmw r1150gs 1978 gs1000E skunk les pew 1979 gs1000L dragbike
                      82 gs1100L probably the next project
                      1980 gs1000G the ugly 1978 gs750E need any parts?
                      1978 gs1000E skunk #2 RLAP


                        IMG_6054 by Scott Marvin, on Flickr What remains of a once busy family Dairy farming operation. There are no Dairy farms left in this County at one point in time there were dozens.
                        sigpic2002 KLR650 Ugly but fun!
                        2001 KLR650 too pretty to get dirty

                        Life is a balancing act, enjoy every day, "later" will come sooner than you think. Denying yourself joy now betting you will have health and money to enjoy life later is a bad bet.

                        Where I've been Riding


                          IMG_6055 by Scott Marvin, on Flickr Someone's collection.
                          sigpic2002 KLR650 Ugly but fun!
                          2001 KLR650 too pretty to get dirty

                          Life is a balancing act, enjoy every day, "later" will come sooner than you think. Denying yourself joy now betting you will have health and money to enjoy life later is a bad bet.

                          Where I've been Riding


                            You all probably have seen enough pier sunset photos from me, but just to show you how different the scene can be just the next night:
                            P1200734 by Dave Redman, on Flickr

                            At full 300mm (600 equivalent). I would say I am 2500 to 3000 feet from the pier, down past where the channel makes a turn, so I am looking down the channel over the water. Someone familiar with the area, but not understand telephoto, might think I was in a boat on the water to get a view from that direction.
                            THis wider view (maybe 70mm=140, so still telephoto) explains it better.
                            P1200857 by Dave Redman, on Flickr
                            Last edited by Redman; 10-18-2021, 08:17 PM.
                            Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                            GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                              Dave, I would say that new lens works fairly well. And photographer isn't too bad either.

                              That upper photo is outstanding....Really outstanding.
                              Bob T. ~~ Play the GSR weekly photo game: Pic of Week Game
                              '83 GS1100E ~ '24 Triumph Speed 400 ~ '01 TRIUMPH TT600 ~ '67 HONDA CUB


                                Hey all, another nice set. Glad to see people out and about. I'm still somewhat home bound with the puppy.
                                When consulting the magic 8 ball for advice, one must first ask it "will your answers be accurate?"

                                -85 1150 es - Plus size supermodel.
                                -Rusty old scooter.
                                Other things I like to

