1) Still breathin'
2). Chemo sucks! Who knew? On a periodic basis, I intentionally have myself infused with powerful poisons, and after 13 weeks of this, I can safely say I've never been more sick, or for a longer period of time.
It attacks the entire body, of course, so there's about 16 different systems going berserk at the same time, including the senses of smell and taste. Hands and feet are all swollen and somewhat numb. Chemo 'fog' all day long... No appetite, and bouts of frightening weight loss.
I've managed to get to my job during the period between infusions after the effects ease up, but after my 4th cycle of chemo, my reserves are shot. I haven't been to work in two weeks, and I still can't eat a full meal. Everything tastes like metal-flavored modeling clay. Mmmm! Sometimes I sleep for 14 hours or more per day.
Finally came time for a PET scan to determine if all of this made any difference. Here's an excerpt from the report:
CHEST: Significant decrease in size and activity of right upper lobe mass and consolidation
measuring 4.0 x 2.0 cm with an SUV max of 3.8, previously 12.5 cm with an SUV max of 18.8.. Multiple
right hilar and paratracheal lymph nodes have normalized in size without residual hypermetabolic
Significant decrease in size and activity of right upper lobe mass with resolution of adenopathy.
So -- it looks like there's an actual chance of survival, at least for a while. I meet with my oncologist this Thursday to plan the next step, which will involve thoracic surgery, but my uninvited houseguest has shrunk from roughly the size of a chalkboard eraser to that of a golf ball. The word I'm looking for here is "Operable". and we'll know soon.
Again, thanks for all the encouraging comments.