It was a long day and the snow impeded the exit of the seller's house... Jon and I had to do some serious digging to get his van out.

Only a 4 foot bank we were stuck in... no big deal LOL.

After we loaded it we finally got under way with 143 hp right behind our seats!

Van ran good on the way home we stopped at Applebee's for lunch they had a menu change and the burger's were pretty good... I just can't do Mc Donald's anymore...
We finally got home it was about 7 hour round of traveling Bike is way eaiser to move around then any big Block GS our my old B-12 for that matter... 460lbs FTW! We pulled it into the garage fired her up and warmed her to make sure she was 100% OK. warmed up quickly like before and she was a happy little Yammy!

Jon headed out for the night (thanks again!) then I took some more shots of the bike in her new (and yes I need to clean)dirty home!

Then of cource I started to tinker. I am told I am the wierdest man when it comes to bars but I had to install higher bars. BUT THE COMFORT LEVEL IS SO MUCH HIGHER! Did this on my B-12 and it made the bike perfect for me. This bike will be used primarily for long distance rides. +200 miles a day and I'm shooting for 20k miles this year. No more flipping, no more selling, no more getting stuck under a bike this year... Just ridding.

My wife admiring it... She keeps telling me it look exactly like my frinend Henry's bike. (same color but an 06 FZ6). However taller bars installed.

The bar doesn't take too much away from the bike. I already ordered a bigger and taller touring wind screen, should be in by the end of the week.
Finally shot my wife took of me next to the bike.

She did some photo shop or something to the picture...
I Am very glad it's home and nestled in my garage!
Newest, Fastest, most powerful bike I've ever owned!
I'll keep posting new pictures once I do more thing to the bike to make it more and more tour friendly.