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FZ1 to be Tour'ed finally AT HOME!

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    FZ1 to be Tour'ed finally AT HOME!

    Well What a trip Yesterday! Want to hand a personal thanks out to Jon GSR member Jeburkart. We had a 7 hour round trip today, it was good to hang out and make an adventure out of the day!

    It was a long day and the snow impeded the exit of the seller's house... Jon and I had to do some serious digging to get his van out.


    Only a 4 foot bank we were stuck in... no big deal LOL.

    After we loaded it we finally got under way with 143 hp right behind our seats!

    Van ran good on the way home we stopped at Applebee's for lunch they had a menu change and the burger's were pretty good... I just can't do Mc Donald's anymore...

    We finally got home it was about 7 hour round of traveling Bike is way eaiser to move around then any big Block GS our my old B-12 for that matter... 460lbs FTW! We pulled it into the garage fired her up and warmed her to make sure she was 100% OK. warmed up quickly like before and she was a happy little Yammy!

    Jon headed out for the night (thanks again!) then I took some more shots of the bike in her new (and yes I need to clean)dirty home!

    Then of cource I started to tinker. I am told I am the wierdest man when it comes to bars but I had to install higher bars. BUT THE COMFORT LEVEL IS SO MUCH HIGHER! Did this on my B-12 and it made the bike perfect for me. This bike will be used primarily for long distance rides. +200 miles a day and I'm shooting for 20k miles this year. No more flipping, no more selling, no more getting stuck under a bike this year... Just ridding.

    My wife admiring it... She keeps telling me it look exactly like my frinend Henry's bike. (same color but an 06 FZ6). However taller bars installed.

    The bar doesn't take too much away from the bike. I already ordered a bigger and taller touring wind screen, should be in by the end of the week.

    Finally shot my wife took of me next to the bike.

    She did some photo shop or something to the picture...

    I Am very glad it's home and nestled in my garage!

    Newest, Fastest, most powerful bike I've ever owned!

    I'll keep posting new pictures once I do more thing to the bike to make it more and more tour friendly.

    Your gona love that bike. Looks like someone installed aftermarket lower risers on it.

    You can do what you want, but those bars look terrible...

    If I were you I'd look for Gen2 FZ1 risers and superbike bars. The bars you have on there now really screws with the brake MC angle.

    PM me if you ever get tired of that slip on



      I have 120K on mine and its been stellar as far as performance and reliability.

      Plus one on ditching the Ape hangers. Either Gen 1 or Gen II bars would certainly look better.
      Was the original owner Ape like?

      You don't really look "Ape like" in the photo but who knows maybe your wife shortened your knee length arms while she was in Photoshop.


        I tried the 4" rise with sport bars on my B-12 and hated it. I installed the L bars and was comfy for +20k miles. I love the ridding position and sure the handling was not as good as the sport bars but it allows you to steer more with your hands vs leaning with your body...
        My buddies have FZ6s with sport bars and risers... Really not comfortable with them either and I flat out don't like the handling and feel of their bikes. The L bars are my preference. And despite the look with the L bars on my B-12 I still had no issue carving and keeping up with my buds on their FZs in the twisties.
        I didn't buy this bike to take out on the weekends and corner carve. I bought it to ride daily and for long distances on my weekends. Not looking to have a hot cool ride just something that is perfect for my ridding style that will run solid for tens of thousand of miles and be ridiculously comfortable. I guess I don't care what others think about what the bike looks like, just how it rides for me... Why the Japanese Standard bike is the best style on the market.

        Thanks for the input guys.
        Last edited by Jedz123; 02-25-2013, 02:21 PM. Reason: My Cell phone is dumb... Hacked up post when eneterd..


          Do you think the bars will clear the tall shield your getting? I installed these bars on all my previous bikes, and plan on getting them for my FZ1.

          These with the taller risers I have should do a great job, and keep my brake MC at a correct angle.


            Wow, I was really happy to see another FZ1 in the hands of a GSR member- UNTIL I SAW THOSE BARS!! Just kidding, to each their own.
            Currently bikeless
            '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
            '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

            I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

            "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


              Lol thanks Jethro. I find it Hilarious that I had these same exact bars on the B-12 for 2 years uploaded multiple pictures and went to a couple meets and no one said a dang thing about them... 1 thread with them on the FZ and I get multiple earfuls... Lol

              Bluenose the bars are so far back that there is no issue with the fairing and won't be with the windshield. And I loooove the exhast on the bike... Louder the better I say. Sounds soooo good. No won't be getting rid of that's for sure!


                Wow! Those handlebars are somethin' else!

                I have shorter ones on my "T" and they're still too tall. I like to lean forward but like a couple people already said, "To each their own".

                GS750TZ V&H/4-1, Progressive Shocks, Rebuilt MC/braided line, Tarozzi Stabilizer[Seq#2312]
                GS750TZ Parts Bike [Seq#6036]
                GSX-R750Y (Sold)

                my opinion shouldn't be taken as gospel or in any way that would lead you to believe otherwise (30Sep2021)


                  So I just got back from a little 10 mile jaunt around the block, and yes the handle bars will be staying on it. Nice to get to run it through the gears. Definitely more Comfortable then my Bandit 1200... Even with the shorter wind screen it offers better wind protection. Brakes are amazing!!! I'm not sure if it's because when I last rode my Bandit I weighed 20lbs more or it's been so long since I rode something this fast but I'm pretty sure this bike would smoke my old B-12... So light and comfy and this new beautiful thing called top end!! 11k RPM sounds sooo Awesome!!!

                  I'll post more when I start to add more touring items. WOW is all I can say, Grin is unmovable from this face.


                    [QUOTE=Jedz123;1822559]Lol thanks Jethro. I find it Hilarious that I had these same exact bars on the B-12 for 2 years uploaded multiple pictures and went to a couple meets and no one said a dang thing about them... 1 thread with them on the FZ and I get multiple earfuls... Lol

                    Haha, I did have to pause for a second when I first saw them on the b4 the bird ride. Definitely unique


                      Originally posted by Jedz123 View Post
                      Lol thanks Jethro. I find it Hilarious that I had these same exact bars on the B-12 for 2 years uploaded multiple pictures and went to a couple meets and no one said a dang thing about them... 1 thread with them on the FZ and I get multiple earfuls... Lol
                      Yeah, that's a Bandit... no one cares about them- but an FZ1? Now we are talking about a nice machine! Whatever bars work for you is fine!
                      Currently bikeless
                      '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
                      '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

                      I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

                      "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


                        Originally posted by Jethro View Post
                        Yeah, that's a Bandit... no one cares about them- but an FZ1? Now we are talking about a nice machine!!
                        Now I can honestly say that after owning and ridding both machines now that the FZ1 is the better bike for sure. The Bandit just isn't as nice, smooth, fast, stylish, light etc. The list really just goes on and on... I can't believe the power this little 998cc motor can deliver. It still just dumbfounds me how fast and smooth this thing is.

                        I bet some people have got to care about the Bandit's... I mean at least the 1200's... Right??? I did for awhile, I'm guilty. The 600's are worthless lumps in my book. I've ridden a couple of those and thought a GS500F was more fun and handled better out of the box... Flat out dogs.

                        So as for the project; the wind screen will be in by the end of the week. Right now I'm researching on some good tires. Looking for good handling but mostly longevity and quality. I hear the Dunlop Road Smart II's are the way to go. Front tire is in ok shape now but I'd like to get it swapped before I start cranking some serious miles on the FZ. A buddy of mine went down the Givi road and has a set of fabric saddles bags he's going to sell to me. Great shape they look practically brand new. Plan on putting those on and possibly adding a givi top case & Rack. I need to sell some of my GS parts off before I can consider going down that road.

                        Any suggestions for tires would also be appreciated.

                        Went for another 10 mile loop tonight. Not going too far or taking it to work yet for it's not registered... yet. Once I get a free day to go down to the DMV and do it then she will start being used daily. Weather is finally starting to break the freezing mark more often so I can get a ride in more then once a week.

                        Fun Fun Fun on a FZ1!


                          Here is my luggage minus my trunk. I like the size of the bags, I'd pick up some bigger Givi's if I was planning on a long trip, but these with the full sized Givi trunk I have is plenty for me.

                          The hand guards and heated grips really extend my season.


                            That FZ1 looks very different then the one you posted in my other thread... Where did you get those hand guards? I like those. Koso heated grips are also in the cards...
                            Great ideas with that picture. Thanks.


                              Soooo does this mean I get the black short bars for my nighthawk?
                              See what happens when you sell a guy a bike on Craigslist? You become instant friends and end up hauling his butt 300 miles to pick up a bike up in the middle nowhere. Ha! Good times.
                              I'm concerned about a guy on a semi crotch rocket with ape hangers. Just saying......

