Had a minor setback waiting for the contractor to get here to give an estimate for completing the plumbing and installing the driveway. I had asked for him to price it two ways: one with concrete driveway, the other with asphalt. Of course, he only priced it one way, the more-expensive way.
INSIDE, though, is a different matter.
This is what it looks like this afternoon:
The Wing is in there to make sure it's up for a ride with the Wing Group next weekend. Yes, it finally made its way out of the garage for the first time this year on July 1.
The bike in the middle is a '79 850 that is a recent acquisition by a newer GSR member. He is coming up occasionally to help work on it and do some learning in the process. The bike on the right is an Intruder that belongs to a friend of mine. Doing a tire change and valve adjustment on it.
It will take the automatic payroll deductions on another check or two before I can get the workbench and drawers that will go on the left side of the picture (between the camera location and the entry door). To the right of the door is the half bath, still in framing state, waiting for the plumber. The shelves that can be seen past the Wing are where the Snap-On tool box will live, once it makes its way out here. Need to get all the plumbing (and vents) installed to finish off that wall before the tool box comes out. The "bench" across the back is just some OSB paneling spread across some saw horses, but I had to have some place to get some work done. All of the steel shelving along the right wall was free, from one of the hospitals where I work. The wood shelving came out of the shed that used to occupy the space where the shop is now.
There are still some holes in the ceiling, waiting for more lights from another of the hospitals. They are upgrading all their fluorescent lights to LEDs, I am getting some of the ones they are pitching in the process.
Hoping to get the driveway laid out this week, work might re-commence an a couple more weeks.