The bike is an 81 that I obtained free and gratis from my good buddy George. He replaced it with a newer V-Star and decided he needed the garage space so being the good bud that I am I offered to help him out.
The bike is complete and in fairly decent shape but it is a non runner with a set of dodgy carbs. They were cleaned a year or so back but I think a few key parts went a missing. I think I may need a replacement set but that is yet to be determined.
So today I got back into wrenching after a good year off. I forgot how much I enjoyed it even in a stone cold garage hovering near the freezing point.
I took off the windscreen and backrest and spent a good few hours cleaning everything in ready reach. The battery was new last year but is dead so its currently on the charger in hopes it will come back to life.
I think the bike will just be a flipper for me that will fund a new clutch and insurance for the FZ but who knows. It appears to be a comfortable little ride so it might end up being me ride for 2015. I'll let you know.
Pic to follow sorry but I am having issues with photobucket and this new forum format.