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B King Mods

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    B King Mods

    Started a few mods this week on the B King.

    Installed the X TRE box and running 4th gear map which now which gives alittle more timing in the first 3 gears and the 155 mph limit is history now. I'll run it until I get the ECU flasher and flash it as a Busa.

    Had a few credit cards points so got some mini bar end mirror's for free and no problems going past 120 mph so far. I think the OEM mirror's and steel steel ends weighed over 4 pounds compare to these's that weigh less than a pound total. Gotta be good for 1 mph more in topend speed ha !

    Got a 17 tooth front sprocket to replace the OEM 18. But still need to get the Speedohealer to dail the speedo in.

    Then next on the list is a slip on exhaust and air box mod.

    Looking forward to taking it to the track but so far this thing is a blast to ride around the town and goes ballistic down open country roads !

    Last edited by RacingJake; 10-24-2015, 09:29 PM.
    1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
    1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
    1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
    1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
    01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82

    That is the ONLY newer bike I would like to have Jake!!


      Thanks Ray

      I can ride for hours and my back loves it not being bent over the tank superman stye.
      Roll on power is great plus you don't see many B Kings out there so it's nice being a little different, I even like the stock exhaust.

      Gotta try and save some money cause I really like to put a stage 1 turbo on it next year.
      Last edited by RacingJake; 10-25-2015, 11:34 AM.
      1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
      1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
      1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
      1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
      01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


        Jake I looked at One also. Hows it handle? Looks like a comfortable Bike for older guys. (im58)


          Those tank side flares sure look wide from the seat! What do they do/cover?
          1982 GS1100E V&H "SS" exhaust, APE pods, 1150 oil cooler, 140 speedo, 99.3 rear wheel HP, black engine, '83 red

          2016 XL883L sigpic Two-tone blue and white. Almost 42 hp! Status: destroyed, now owned by the insurance company. The hole in my memory starts an hour before the accident and ends 24 hours after.


            Originally posted by Rob S. View Post
            Those tank side flares sure look wide from the seat! What do they do/cover?
            Purely cosmetic. The most plastic covered naked I've ever owned....
            The 1340 is awesome. Step one is to get reflash. The X-TRE is ok but causes the bike to run lean and may cause it to throw codes. great machine but I swapped to the Connie for its way more practical for the type of riding I do.

            Exhaust is a +1. The stock muffler basooka things weigh allot. Great day ride bike but I did 3k miles in 5 days with it it and I couldn't wait to sell it... When I got back home.

            Great drag bike and handles Fing awesome. Have fun with it.


              Originally posted by madmikeracing View Post
              Jake I looked at One also. Hows it handle? Looks like a comfortable Bike for older guys. (im58)
              I'm 55 and love it ! I wanted another bike cause my back doesn't like being bent over with clipon's and the standard handle bars work good for me. The side pods on the tank take awhile to get use too but she handles fine at slow speed. If your taller than 6 feet your knee's might touch the side pods but you can do a Buell peg mod and drop the pegs about an 1" if needed. The best

              I'm no knee dragger but she'll take the corner as fast as I want but gotta be easy on the throttle cause she'll lite up the rear on command. Handles great and you can really push it and get on the brakes and dive into the next turn. The bike runs so smooth before you know it your doing over 120 mph.

              The seat is a little hard but I got some extra foam in mine and my butt is still happy after burning through a tank of gas.

              If I had the money I'd get a second one !
              1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
              1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
              1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
              1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
              01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


                Originally posted by Rob S. View Post
                Those tank side flares sure look wide from the seat! What do they do/cover?
                There is an air opening in the front and the frame has a hole so they do allow some air to the air box but it's not ram air.
                Some guys mod the air box with a hose and run it up to the side pods. I took mine off to see if there was enough room for a nitrous bottle but wasn't.

                I guess they needed to mount the front blinkers somewhere ?
                1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
                1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
                1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
                1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
                01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


                  At least they're not like those fake air scoops on the first gen V-Maxs. I wonder how it would look without those tank flares. I'm from the less is more school.
                  Last edited by Rob S.; 10-30-2015, 02:37 PM.
                  1982 GS1100E V&H "SS" exhaust, APE pods, 1150 oil cooler, 140 speedo, 99.3 rear wheel HP, black engine, '83 red

                  2016 XL883L sigpic Two-tone blue and white. Almost 42 hp! Status: destroyed, now owned by the insurance company. The hole in my memory starts an hour before the accident and ends 24 hours after.


                    I've seen a smaller version of the side pods that look nice from an over sea's vendor. Under the pods is more of the frame, wiring and brackets.
                    I'll popped one of them off and post a pic.
                    1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
                    1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
                    1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
                    1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
                    01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


                      You can see part of the air box, fuel tank, brackets and wiring.

                      Here's a V Max when I was picking up my B King, don't know what year it was but they wanted 13 K for it.

                      Last edited by RacingJake; 10-30-2015, 04:14 PM.
                      1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
                      1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
                      1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
                      1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
                      01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


                        Originally posted by RacingJake View Post
                        If I had the money I'd get a second one !
                        I'm currently building a nest egg for a sportier bike to crank around the mountains with for next year. The rocket propelled lazy-boy I have is awesome but it's heavy and I would like to get into a sportier ride come next year for the weekends. However if another B-king popped up in my area again in $5500 range or less I"ll likely snag it... It was a blast and would make a great weekend warrior.



                          Did you see the Motorcyclist/SportRider mad articles on B-King mods and the Granddads Turbo King?
                          I can copy them for you if you like.
                          sigpic1983 1100 Katana - soon to be turbo Busa powered.
                          2007 GSXR1K-Sold-But not forgotten.
                          Have 2X ZG14 engine's for '81 GS750E project.
                          '82 GS750E frame is TITLED awaiting GSXR1127/12B engine and '81 1100E slowly being built.:eek:


                            Thanks guys

                            Originally posted by gmansyz View Post
                            Did you see the Motorcyclist/SportRider mad articles on B-King mods and the Granddads Turbo King?
                            I can copy them for you if you like.
                            No I didn't but I've seen a few turbo B Kings on youtube.

                            Bought a few things like a speedohealer, 17 tooth front sprocket and ECU flasher. Plan on flashing it to a Busa that way I can let the ECU control the nitrous, shift light and 2 step. I was amazed at what this ECU can do. Also planning on doing the air box mod cause this thing suck air through 2 openings the size of a 50 cent piece.

                            This thing run on rails !

                            Used my mobius camera on this run, not the best video but maybe someone and tell how fast i was going while I was sitting upright ?

                            Last edited by RacingJake; 01-22-2016, 12:55 PM.
                            1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
                            1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
                            1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
                            1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
                            01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


                              You were going so fast that your shoelaces came undone!
                              2@ \'78 GS1000

