My next classic bike project, 1978 KZ200 single cylinder thumper, 7000 miles on the odo. 99% complete with original parts, which for a bike like this seems to be getting more and more rare as people crudely café them to *@%^$*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$. Most of the missing pieces are in a couple milk crates waiting for me to have more time to assemble it; the only thing that needs replaced so far is the coil. It was so cheap because it was "locked up". Little 2stroke premix and marvel into the cylinder for 15mins freed it up easily. Got a paint match on the tins and paint should be ready for pickup today so I can get rid of that nasty black rattlecan job on the tank; unfortunately a lot of wet sanding is in my future. These bikes also have a cable operated front brake (yuck), and this one is pretty sticky so it doesn't stop for crap. Thinking I will do a hydraulic brake swap on it, and clean up and sell the original brake set. The electrical looks unmolested (bonus) so it will hopefully be cleaning connectors and plug and play. The brown seat cover is kinda gross but in decent condition. I'll see what I think about the looks after I get the repainted tank on it, but probably going to swap the seat cover back to black like original (if I can find one that is).
*Bonus project in the back is my soon to be track bike, Hyosung 250 frame, going to stuff a gs500e engine in there. Its been done, and requires a little bit of re-welding mounting tabs. And my GS850 is also hiding in the back there.