I was away on vacation last week, he didn’t want to wait til I got home to put an oring chain on it. Original was very kinky and looks to have never been lubed. So I had him take it to the guy who I get tires and other bits from. My guy got the kid fixed up with a new chain. On the way home, apparently, his throttle cable lets go. Somehow, he managed to ride the bike about 2 miles home clutching with left and pulling on the bit of the throttle cable still stuck in the top of the carb with his right. I had such a flashback of my own dirt-bike riding youth doing similar dumb sh!t. Chip off the ole block. Throttle cable broke in the middle of the sheath. That’s a new one for me. Waiting on one from eBay that should work.
Here’s how the rest of the phone call went:
KID: oh yeah, dad, I bought an upgrade exhaust, should be here when you get back.
ME: ………
KID: yeah, I watched a YT video on the install, should be easy, hardly any modification

Once I get into it, here’s where I’m at about 3 hours later. Bike is it pieces, I cut a hunk off the airbox with a miter saw, cut a sheet of ABS plastic with the band saw to cover the hole. ABS cement is curing.

New exhaust actually seem pretty nice. The 3 pieces fit together pretty snug. My question is at the joints, should there be some type of sealant, gasket, something. Or is this bike just expected to have a small amount of exhaust leak?
