My "problem" is that it's loose on the stud. I took all the measurements a few months ago but can't remember where I put them. This all started when it fell off while I was riding, and all that was left was one washer on the stud, which is is screwed into part of the bike. I didn't know what was there before since I didn't pay much attention, but the parts I named is all the diagram shows.
I tried to find like a bushing or something to put on the stud to take out the slop, but the clearance is smaller than you'd think, just judging by the amount of play it has.
So I ordered everything from Partzilla (stud, washers and e-cilp; lever itself is discontinued). I got the washers and e-clip, but the stud has been on backorder for months. I only ordered that too since I thought it might have a sleeve or something on it that mine doesn't.
When I finally put it back together with that stuff (I had it reinstalled with some temporary stuff and an e-clip that wasn't exactly right for a while), it didn't have noticeable slop - the way it all fit together sort of held it in place, even though there is clearance between the shift lever hole id and the stud od.
That was some weeks ago, and it has slop again! This seems simple, but I'm missing something. I don't really notice it riding, but it doesn't seem right.
I'll post some pics later.