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FZ-09 demo bike - Columbus Ohio, Pony Powersports

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    FZ-09 demo bike - Columbus Ohio, Pony Powersports

    Come take this fun bike for a spin.

    Bring your gear & your motorcycle license.

    Big fun in a very affordable package.

    Did not realize that "the Pony" was selling bikes now.

    Obviously, it has been too long since I have visited there.

    mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
    hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
    #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
    #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
    Family Portrait
    Siblings and Spouses
    Mom's first ride
    Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
    (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


      Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Aprilia, Victory, Polaris, Vespa, Piaggio, Beta


        I would love to take that for a spin. But I must confess I'd only be kicking the tires. I'm not going to be buying a new bike this weekend. You'd have to cut me an insane deal on what's already a great value.
        O LORD, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against you! - David

        Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense. - Carl Sagan

        '80 GS850 GLT
        '80 GS1000 GT
        '01 ZRX1200R

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          Originally posted by Dogma View Post
          I would love to take that for a spin. But I must confess I'd only be kicking the tires. I'm not going to be buying a new bike this weekend. You'd have to cut me an insane deal on what's already a great value.
          The first person that rode it wrote & laid down a check for the full pop even though the sales manager kept saying it is not for sale.

          It is a demo bike....just for kicking tires. We actually do not have one that is available for sale yet. The first three coming in have deposits on them.

          We're not a "hard sell" dealership. If you're interested in riding one come by and try it out. It is that simple.


            Any idea on how much just a set of rims would cost? The Blue/Black wheels are the same dimensions as the wheels for my 2008 bandit. (I wonder if the axles would fit)


              I personally just rode it for the first time. Really cool sound with a nice little suberbike burble on trailing throttle. I expected it to be similar to the 05 Speed Triple I had, the power might be about the same but the Yamaha feels snappier. I know that seems like a strange word to use, but everything, steering & controls wise seems sharp and abrupt. The throttle seems "touchy" and a little over sensitive at first, but you get use to it in a few minutes.
              In the upper gears it has great roll on. It does not hit like and open class sport bike, but it is very respectable. In the lower gears power delivery in "A" mode is brutal. It is an "at will" wheelie machine. You need to have it pointed in the right direction and your chest above the tank if you are going to whack the throttle open in 2nd or 3rd. If you whack it open in first you will loop it out. The gearing is so much lower it feels like you have dropped two FRONT teeth off a countershaft of a really fast 750.
              If you put dirt bars on it with the short wheelbase and 17" front it would feel like an insanely fast and very quick turning supermoto.
              I think it is a very cool bike, but when you consider all that performance for under $8,000, it is a game changer.
              Call it whatever you want, Street fighter, standard or UJM..........Yamaha has thrown down the gauntlet.


                Where was this bike two years ago when I was looking to buy new? I would have bought this in a heart beat. Can't beat the price for what it offers.


                  Here's a link to an interesting comparison between the new Yamaha MT-09, Kawasaki Z800, Triumph Street Triple, and the MV Augusta Brutale.

                  Before you watch, which one do you think will win? Comparison is done by MCN.


                    I suspect this is going to be a huge seller for Yami. I'm not in a position to buy one now but I'm thinking this will be my next street bike. Good for you guys to provide a demo bike. I don't live near there, but if I can get out to the area I'll swing by and throw a leg over.

                    Good luck! I hope you sell a bunch of them.

