While I was kick starting the bike a c-clip that sits in a groove at the top of the spine came off so naturally I took things apart to fix it.
At first I thought the grove for the c-clip was worn but it looks as though it's fine, likely the c-clip is worn.
The outer hole on the lever had the remains of a pin that looked like it was hammered into the hole and then had it's head flattened, I filed it off and punched it out. When I saw the hole in the spline and the holes in the lever, and the fact that I had punched out an old pin, I immediately thought a pin would go through them both but that can't be as it would stop the lever from being able to rotate in towards the engine then out in ready to kick start the bike. I'm very baffled by this, does anyone have any ideas how this works? It really shouldn't be this difficult as there aren't that many parts, ha,ha.. I looked at a kick start from on of our 750es, they have no hole for a pin, a washer with a clip on top and there is definitely something inside the lever/spline that is giving some pressure so it can't flop back and forth as easily as this one. Any help is always appreciated.