With winter riding upon us in the Northern hemisphere I was wondering what you personal preference was to keep your digits warm? This year I decided to give heated battery operated gloves a go to see if the work better in keeping my fingers warm. I bought some NOS +Venture gloves, I love my battery powered vest from the same company so I decided to give this company a go. I've noticed the glove creates heat on the top part of my hand and fingers but not on the bottom and that's my only real complaint however they keep my hands much warmer compared to any grip I've used in the past. Battery life is very good, never have lost battery on multiple hour rides so far and with the battery glove I can also use them when I decide to do out door projects like shovel the driveway out clear snow off the roof.
I have used grips in the past with some what unsatisfactory results. Generally a grip would cut out and I'd be stuck with only 1 hand staying warm. I'm interested in getting grips for Connie, especially since I let others take my bike for a spin and would like everyone to be comfy... Plus what's a touring bike without heated grips? They didn't come with grips as standard equipment till 2010...
So I'm interested to see what works for some, what hasn't worked and whats the general consensus on glove vs grips and which brands are the best?
Oh pic of my current equipment.