1st bike: '82 650L - Rode it for 2 years. it was a lot of fun, eventually I wanted more power, better breaking, and something a little sportier. Width/position hurt my groin/hips a little, never did more than 90 miles in a day.
#2: '01 Triumph Sprint 955 - purchase sight-unseen based on specs and sitting on newer models. Geometry, weight/balance, and power did not fit my experience and expectations.
#3: '82 1100g - Impulse buy, still needs some fairly major work. I love riding it, but the width and foot position destroys my groin after a couple hundred miles. It also vibrates A LOT above 5,500 rpm, so I don't get to use any of the power or torque at higher RPM.
On paper, the Suzuki GSX-650F seems to fit what I'm looking for - a mid-sized 'sport-touring' setup with decent torque and good handling, and available used (I love the GSX-S1000F but don't want new bike payments.)
My questions at the moment are about miles and power:
1) For a 2008 or 2009 bike, at what point should I be concerned about miles? There is one not far from here for a good price with 20,000 mi (2 previous owners, private sale).
2) What do I need to know about riding a modern 650? I'm assuming I'll be happy with a modern 650, particularly since I'm happy with the 1100 and only using up to 6,000 rpm. Does a 650 pull from a stop OK?