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just nabbed a mint 99 marauder. stock pipes are WAY to quiet

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    Have you watched this video?

    "Thought he, it is a wicked world in all meridians; I'll die a pagan."
    ~Herman Melville

    2016 1200 Superlow
    1982 CB900f


      I never said you WERE a douchebag. I commented the fact that i hear it all the time from people that they think guys with loud pipes are douchebags. What the old saying?? If somone points something out and it offends you well maybe there is a reason.

      Now dont get all twisted..Im not saying youre a douche.................
      MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
      1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550


      I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.


        Use the admin tools and then find a Marauder forum maybe??? They may be more helpful.
        MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
        1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550


        I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.


          Originally posted by AMK View Post
          Put an aftermarket on and keep the mint ones mint.
          I have two identical 1100's and one is stock and a po drilled the other one out. I wish he hadn't because there's no going back to being mint.
          thankyou for the advice. yeah my GS had the inner baffles removed by PO. in this case it isnt so bad as the end caps were put back on so it sounds decent to me.

          if you had to suggest an aftermarket brand what would you choose?

          also if anyone has an old marauder exhaust i can toy with too keep mint one mint i'd be interested.



            Hey, My wife has a 1999 Suzuki Marauder VZ800. I am looking for a website that has alot of stuff for the Marauder. Seems to be hard to find parts or this bike. Thanks

            I never would have thought to look at an 800cc bike, but I happened to click on it. The price is right ($2000, 1997). The mileage is high (19,000). It has new chain, tires, clutch. It looks gorgeous and the seller is very close. And I have the money. This bike is lighter than a vstar 650 and...

            MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
            1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550


            I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.


              Originally posted by GS1150Pilot View Post
              Have you watched this video?

              Good video. Kind of a nice post-mod rumble actually.
              1983 GS1100ES (Bought July 2014)
              1983 GS1100E (Bought July 2014)
              1985 GS700ES (Bought June 2015) Sold
              On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
              All Other Ground is Sinking Sand


                Originally posted by chuck hahn View Post
       makes me someone thats grown up and doesnt find the need for outside attention to validate myself. This may..or may not be you personally...but it seems to be the over riding desire for attention seekers.

                Having grown up around the Harley crowds and a few outlaw biker clubs, i see theres a need for the weak to gather in crowds, be offendingly obnoxious, and then get pizzzzed off when they are confronted about it. In have had many try to recruit me to join the clubs and their ways but i decided i should grow up and be my own man that doesnt need validation from anyone but myself.

                You breached the subject and are getting the cold hard blunt truth handed to you so deal with it Junior. cant take the flames then at the top under ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS you can find the option to delete this thread.

                i agree on the stereo type actually. and it's hilarious how many wount even acknowledge you unless you also ride a harley. though i fail to see how, me enjoying a different or louder sound on my bike, means i seek others validation?
                now that doesnt mean you wernt close, meaning i could be totally immature, just i dont seek others validation, i may act in such a way that i know will **** people off and i may enjoy it. AHEM.

                also the cold blunt truth about what? your personal opinion? yeah pretty sure we established that if you dont want to help constructively and not deconstructively that it wasnt needed but, hey im not one of those people who tries to impose my opinion on people and if i wanted to use administrative tools i'd use it to maybe delete your posts? not like they are helpful anyways. well other then entertainment value that is.

                also i know how to use google, do you? here ill help

                For all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than to Google it for themselves.

                couldnt tell since you posted links that were basicly just a copy paste of googles results regardless of applicability or relevance to the topic.


                  Originally posted by GS1150Pilot View Post
                  Have you watched this video?

                  i had not seen this one yet. thankyou for this!


                    It actually improved the sound. Nice end result.
                    "Thought he, it is a wicked world in all meridians; I'll die a pagan."
                    ~Herman Melville

                    2016 1200 Superlow
                    1982 CB900f


                      Originally posted by GS1150Pilot View Post
                      It actually improved the sound. Nice end result.
                      yeah i think so too. i MAY try this tomorrow. looking for another stock exhaust to mess with atm. thankyou again for that video it was perfect, i kept finding ones on the different style exhaust, so this was perfect.


                        For those who might subscribe to the "Loud Pipes Save Lives" theory, I have a personal experience.

                        I met a guy who rode a motorcycle and had that "loud pipes" mentality. I found out that he was also a paramedic, so I asked him:
                        "Bill, you drive a medic squad. It's a HUGE truck. It has lots of flashing lights. It has a siren. It has air horns. Does anyone ever pull out in front of you?"
                        "Oh, yeah, it happens all the time."
                        "Then please tell me exactly how a louder putt putt putt pointing to the BACK will keep people aware that you are coming up to them?"
                        "Uhhh, I think I see your point."

                        I was driving my van through downtown one day. It was a nice day, I had my windows open. I heard the loud rumble of a v-twin. Being a motorcyclist, I wanted to see what it was, but cound not find it. I looked all around, but could NOT find a motorcycle, let alone a loud v-twin. I almost hit someone that had stopped in front of me, because I was looking around for the bike. I finally found it. It was one block over, going the same direction. The sound was bouncing back and forth between all the tall buildings downtown, which means that the whole downtown area (maybe about one square mile?) was treated to all that noise, but only a select few actually got to see the source.

                        Just for the record, my GS does not have a stock exhaust on it. No, it's a 4-into-1 pipe of unknown origin, but it happens to be just about as quiet as stock, which I really appreciate. My longest single day on this bike has been about 450 miles, and I could not have gotten anywhere near that if the exhaust was as loud as some people think is necessary.

                        Good luck with your project. I hope you are far enough away from me that I won't have to be subjected to more noise. However, I will be kind enough to remind you that you will need to rejet the carbs for the open pipes, or the engine might overheat and seize. On the other hand, it will be quiet again.

                        mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                        hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                        #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                        #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                        Family Portrait
                        Siblings and Spouses
                        Mom's first ride
                        Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                        (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                          Originally posted by Steve View Post
                          For those who might subscribe to the "Loud Pipes Save Lives" theory, I have a personal experience.

                          I met a guy who rode a motorcycle and had that "loud pipes" mentality. I found out that he was also a paramedic, so I asked him:
                          "Bill, you drive a medic squad. It's a HUGE truck. It has lots of flashing lights. It has a siren. It has air horns. Does anyone ever pull out in front of you?"
                          "Oh, yeah, it happens all the time."
                          "Then please tell me exactly how a louder putt putt putt pointing to the BACK will keep people aware that you are coming up to them?"
                          "Uhhh, I think I see your point."

                          I was driving my van through downtown one day. It was a nice day, I had my windows open. I heard the loud rumble of a v-twin. Being a motorcyclist, I wanted to see what it was, but cound not find it. I looked all around, but could NOT find a motorcycle, let alone a loud v-twin. I almost hit someone that had stopped in front of me, because I was looking around for the bike. I finally found it. It was one block over, going the same direction. The sound was bouncing back and forth between all the tall buildings downtown, which means that the whole downtown area (maybe about one square mile?) was treated to all that noise, but only a select few actually got to see the source.

                          Just for the record, my GS does not have a stock exhaust on it. No, it's a 4-into-1 pipe of unknown origin, but it happens to be just about as quiet as stock, which I really appreciate. My longest single day on this bike has been about 450 miles, and I could not have gotten anywhere near that if the exhaust was as loud as some people think is necessary.

                          Good luck with your project. I hope you are far enough away from me that I won't have to be subjected to more noise. However, I will be kind enough to remind you that you will need to rejet the carbs for the open pipes, or the engine might overheat and seize. On the other hand, it will be quiet again.

                          Do you use earplugs when you ride?
                          1983 GS1100ES (Bought July 2014)
                          1983 GS1100E (Bought July 2014)
                          1985 GS700ES (Bought June 2015) Sold
                          On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
                          All Other Ground is Sinking Sand


                            Get some Cobra slip on's. They make different baffles that allow you to change the sound. Don't mind the old guys on here. My fathers '40 Chevy street rod has a sticker in the window that says, "If it's too loud you're to old". Now there is a difference between louder pipes and obnoxiously loud straight pipes, do what you want to do, it's your bike and I doubt anyone here will ever hear it in person. Your neighbors will let you know if you went too far.
                            No God, no peace. Know God, know peace.

                            Eric Bang RIP 9/5/2018
                            Have some bikes ready for us when we meet up.


                              Originally posted by gsrick View Post
                              Get some Cobra slip on's. They make different baffles that allow you to change the sound. Don't mind the old guys on here. My fathers '40 Chevy street rod has a sticker in the window that says, "If it's too loud you're to old". Now there is a difference between louder pipes and obnoxiously loud straight pipes, do what you want to do, it's your bike and I doubt anyone here will ever hear it in person. Your neighbors will let you know if you went too far.
                              i was looking at those actually and they do look nice. also i agree there is a huge difference, which when read is how i started, i just want it a bit louder because it's literally so quiet in my helmet with the visor down that there are times im questioning it's rpm. so thats why i was asking about just the one small hole through the end of the baffle, which i would imagine not allow the engine to breath too much better if i keep stock intake and filter so that it would not warrent a rejet, but a plug chop will tell me that afterwords.

                              Originally posted by Steve View Post
                              For those who might subscribe to the "Loud Pipes Save Lives" theory, I have a personal experience.

                              I met a guy who rode a motorcycle and had that "loud pipes" mentality. I found out that he was also a paramedic, so I asked him:
                              "Bill, you drive a medic squad. It's a HUGE truck. It has lots of flashing lights. It has a siren. It has air horns. Does anyone ever pull out in front of you?"
                              "Oh, yeah, it happens all the time."
                              "Then please tell me exactly how a louder putt putt putt pointing to the BACK will keep people aware that you are coming up to them?"
                              "Uhhh, I think I see your point."

                              I was driving my van through downtown one day. It was a nice day, I had my windows open. I heard the loud rumble of a v-twin. Being a motorcyclist, I wanted to see what it was, but cound not find it. I looked all around, but could NOT find a motorcycle, let alone a loud v-twin. I almost hit someone that had stopped in front of me, because I was looking around for the bike. I finally found it. It was one block over, going the same direction. The sound was bouncing back and forth between all the tall buildings downtown, which means that the whole downtown area (maybe about one square mile?) was treated to all that noise, but only a select few actually got to see the source.

                              Just for the record, my GS does not have a stock exhaust on it. No, it's a 4-into-1 pipe of unknown origin, but it happens to be just about as quiet as stock, which I really appreciate. My longest single day on this bike has been about 450 miles, and I could not have gotten anywhere near that if the exhaust was as loud as some people think is necessary.

                              Good luck with your project. I hope you are far enough away from me that I won't have to be subjected to more noise. However, I will be kind enough to remind you that you will need to rejet the carbs for the open pipes, or the engine might overheat and seize. On the other hand, it will be quiet again.

                              well i did say occasionally save lives. but like ive said, i dont want straight pipes, i dont want to be heard blocks away even. i just want it a couple db louder. but get told immediately, even with stating my reason, that it's a bad idea. and lets be honest the way some of the people on this and many forums come off is anti social to say the least. like passive aggressive comments sprinkled on top of sound advice .

                              just to state again,like i did to start. i was thinking about drilling 1 hole in the end of the baffle, or if possible swapping baffles if they removed. just so i could gain those FEW decibels so i can hear the bike better in my helmet with my visor down.
                              i am not trying to straight pipe it, not trying to annoy all of you old geezers with your sensitive ears, just be able to hear rpm above wind noise.
                              Last edited by Guest; 07-23-2017, 01:47 AM.


                                Originally posted by boredinmemind View Post
                                i just think that a cager should be able to hear my engine if i rev it. loud pipes occasionally save lives.
                                That is a silly myth

