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just nabbed a mint 99 marauder. stock pipes are WAY to quiet

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    Originally posted by JJ View Post
    That is a silly myth
    great deduction work there sherlock. you must have gotten valedictorian with that level of intelligence. read the whole thread it's already been discussed. we are past this.

    let me clairfy with an example like steve did.

    Originally posted by Steve View Post
    For those who might subscribe to the "Loud Pipes Save Lives" theory, I have a personal experience.

    I met a guy who rode a motorcycle and had that "loud pipes" mentality. I found out that he was also a paramedic, so I asked him:
    "Bill, you drive a medic squad. It's a HUGE truck. It has lots of flashing lights. It has a siren. It has air horns. Does anyone ever pull out in front of you?"
    "Oh, yeah, it happens all the time."
    "Then please tell me exactly how a louder putt putt putt pointing to the BACK will keep people aware that you are coming up to them?"
    "Uhhh, I think I see your point."

    now you know what, im willing to bet LESS people pull out infront of him. if me being obnoxious too 100 people alerts 1 inattentive driver then it is worth it. (think it goes without saying even though all you old geezers imply that it doesnt, that my life is worth more then your not hearing a loud sound. even if it's only a .0000000001% that it will help me stay noticed)

    also people seem to think sound travels at 80 mph or something. the speed of sound is around 760 mph, that sound will reflect and travel forward faster then you travel. otherwise you would literally only hear a siren behind the ambulance even with them having forward facing sirens. now is it AS loud in front of as in back of? no. but my other points make this one irrelevant.

    so to clairfy again, loud pipes OCCASIONALLY save lives, the rest of the time they ether sound awesome or annoying based on your personal opinion. and you are all entitled to your own, just dont go posting nonconstructive criticism in this thread, go rant to your significant other or your dog, they atleast fake caring about what your talking about.

    EDIT: also another point, let say i want to alert everyone? not just cagers? i have a family member who almost killed a kid because their bike was stock baffled and the kid ran into the road because he didnt hear them coming, luckily his passenger was quick thinking and pushed the child back so he didnt continue running out under the rear tire. so i'd love to hear one of you say it was good he had it quiet and your reasoning behind it in that instance.
    Last edited by Guest; 07-23-2017, 12:48 PM.


      Take your azzz somewhere else if you cant handle being ridiculed.
      MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
      1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550


      I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.


        Originally posted by chuck hahn View Post
        Take your azzz somewhere else if you cant handle being ridiculed.
        i can handle it madam. why do you think i keep this going? i find this entertaining to russle your jimmy's

        but WHOA watch out, chuck says i should leave. but why chuck? then i would not be blessed with your truly riveting insight!


          Not going to waste time on another thread that degraded into loud-pipes-sh!tposting, so, summarily:

          - A google search will help you more than enough to get heightened sound levels without being a complete ass to everyone around you, i.e. slip-ons and stuff.
          - To achieve complete asshattery, no forums are needed at all, just a hacksaw and stuff
          - db scale is logarithmic, each additional db roughly double as loud to the human ear. So 5db-10db would be quite significant and possibly reach a-hole level.

          P.S. An interesting observation for those who are refraining from voicing their opinion in these threads; compare the tone, attitude and socioeconomic status (as far as it can be deducted or has been told) of the proponents, opponents and those searching for a middle ground.

          P.P.S. I'm all for having some sweet exhaust sound, above stock levels, as long as it's within reason. Reason in most jurisdictions being law, thankfully. (which in my country, recently got nerfed down to 70ies stock level, because some idiots exploited a legal loophole and went way beyond acceptable. Once again, a few ruining it for everyone else).
          #1: 1979 GS 550 EC "Red" – Very first Bike / Overhaul thread        New here? ☛ Read the Top 10 Newbie mistakes thread
          #2: 1978 GS 550 EC "Blue" – Can't make it a donor / "Rebuild" thread     Manuals (and much more): See Cliff's homepage here
          #3: 2014 Moto Guzzi V7 II Racer – One needs a runner while wrenching
          #4: 1980 Moto Guzzi V65C – Something to chill


            Originally posted by boredinmemind View Post
            and ok, lets say im doing it to be obnoxious, (kind of like you arguing with me when im just trying to find some information) who cares? is there a law against being obnoxious? making laws to protect peoples sensibilities or to not offend is ridiculous.
            Actually, in some districts, there are ordinances against noise and specifically against loud exhausts.

            With that said, you may find the best solution is to keep your stock pipes intact and find a set of aftermarket pipes. Most are a little louder than stock. That way you can sell your stock pipes and offset some of the cost of the new pipes. Just make sure you don't live near me.
            1980 GS1000GT (Daily rider with a 1983 1100G engine)
            1998 Honda ST1100 (Daily long distance rider)
            1982 GS850GLZ (Daily rider when the weather is crap)

            Darn, with so many daily riders it's hard to decide which one to jump on next.;)

            JTGS850GL aka Julius

            GS Resource Greetings


              Originally posted by boredinmemind View Post
              i can handle it madam. why do you think i keep this going? i find this entertaining to russle your jimmy's

              but WHOA watch out, chuck says i should leave. but why chuck? then i would not be blessed with your truly riveting insight!
              You do need to back it down several notches. You are offending the very people whose knowledge you need. You won't get any takers for the "loud pipes" slogan. It's never been supported by definitive data. You've clarified your wishes, been given some suggestions, and should now merge with the proverbial traffic.
              "Thought he, it is a wicked world in all meridians; I'll die a pagan."
              ~Herman Melville

              2016 1200 Superlow
              1982 CB900f


                Originally posted by GS1150Pilot View Post
                You do need to back it down several notches. You are offending the very people whose knowledge you need. You won't get any takers for the "loud pipes" slogan. It's never been supported by definitive data. You've clarified your wishes, been given some suggestions, and should now merge with the proverbial traffic.
                ok your right to a point.

                your wrong in the fact that,
                i havent been offending the people whom have been reading the post, and giving a reasonable and polite response, because they arnt just coming on to a post to start some loud pipes war. (because all of you who said anything other then constructive criticism about why loud pipes might be bad. are really just trolling, otherwise what is the legitimate reason for posting negativity in the manner done? and if i havent made it clear, peoples thoughts of entitlement to no loud sounds DONT COUNT IN MY BOOK. especially since im not trying to break the law)

                i dont expect any takers for a slogan, i expect people to see my logical reasoning for wanting my bike louder and not post their unhelpful, boarderline disrespectful comments in my thread seeking real knowledge.

                so yes i will take the high road and not post anymore rederic about how im appearently a bad person for expecting common human decency.

                p.s. i get your trying to make peace but when i see old geezers who are so stuck in their own ways so much that other peoples ways are immediately considered (even inlight of giving sound reasoning) unacceptable, and that they are unable of conceding a point themselves, it makes it harder to be the bigger man about it.


                  Did you try the bafflectomy?
                  "Thought he, it is a wicked world in all meridians; I'll die a pagan."
                  ~Herman Melville

                  2016 1200 Superlow
                  1982 CB900f


                    Originally posted by boredinmemind View Post
                    if i havent made it clear, peoples thoughts of entitlement to no loud sounds DONT COUNT IN MY BOOK.

                    i dont expect any takers for a slogan, i expect people to see my logical reasoning for wanting my bike louder and not post their unhelpful, boarderline disrespectful comments in my thread seeking real knowledge.

                    so yes i will take the high road and not post anymore rederic about how im appearently a bad person for expecting common human decency.
                    First of all, my post was not boarderline disrespectful. It was blunt. There's a difference.

                    So, in the same post, you state that you couldn't care less about anyone else wanting peace & quiet, but for some reason, you feel entitled to 'common decency'. This double standard is par for obnoxious losers with loud pipes; they feel they deserve every conceivable consideration, while offering none. There's nothing unique here.

                    It's not that anyone's out to get you; you're just experiencing the uniform civil reaction to a horse's ass.
                    and God said, "Let there be air compressors!"
                    __________________________________________________ ______________________
                    2009 Suzuki DL650 V-Strom, 2004 HondaPotamus sigpic Git'cha O-ring Kits Here!


                      Bored, have you even considered that those who aren't responding to this garbage of a thread are doing so because we really don't want to waste our proverbial breath on your ridiculous notion?
                      Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace

                      1981 GS550T - My First
                      1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
                      2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike

                      Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
                      Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
                      and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"


                        Originally posted by glib View Post
                        Do you use earplugs when you ride?
                        I have tried them and appreciate the difference, but don't use them all the time.

                        Why do you ask?

                        mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                        hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                        #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                        #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                        Family Portrait
                        Siblings and Spouses
                        Mom's first ride
                        Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                        (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                          For what it's worth I swapped out the obnoxiously load drag pipes I had on my 1500 for a V&H 2-1. It was still really loud so I grafted on a SuperTrapp baffle which made it a lot quieter. It rumbled nicely but was nowhere near as stupidly load as the stock V&H baffle....

                          Intruder with V&H 2-1.jpg
                          Z1300A5 Locomotive (swapped my Intruder for it), GS450 Cafe Project (might never finish it....), XT500 Commuter (I know - it's a Yamaha :eek:)

                          VL1500 Intruder (swapped for Z1300), ZX9R Streetfighter (lets face it - too fast....), 1984 GSX750EF, 1984 GSX1100EF (AKA GS1150)
                          And a bunch of other crap Yamahas....


                            Close up.....

                            Intruder with V&H and ST baffle.jpg
                            Z1300A5 Locomotive (swapped my Intruder for it), GS450 Cafe Project (might never finish it....), XT500 Commuter (I know - it's a Yamaha :eek:)

                            VL1500 Intruder (swapped for Z1300), ZX9R Streetfighter (lets face it - too fast....), 1984 GSX750EF, 1984 GSX1100EF (AKA GS1150)
                            And a bunch of other crap Yamahas....


                              Originally posted by Steve View Post
                              I have tried them and appreciate the difference, but don't use them all the time.

                              Why do you ask?

                              The subject of obnoxious noise reminded me of a thread on earplugs. Some like to hear their exhaust along with everything else. Some, like me, like to avoid damaged hearing. You hadn't commented so I was curious.
                              1983 GS1100ES (Bought July 2014)
                              1983 GS1100E (Bought July 2014)
                              1985 GS700ES (Bought June 2015) Sold
                              On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
                              All Other Ground is Sinking Sand


                                Wow. Over exhaust noise? I haven't seen this side of my forum buddies. I have 2 really quiet ones and 2 really loud ones. Haven't saved a life yet.
                                Current Rides: 82 GS1100E, 00 Triumph 955 Speed Triple:twistedevil:, 03 Kawasaki ZRX1200, 01 Honda GL1800, '15 Kawasaki 1000 Versys
                                Past Rides: 72 Honda SL-125, Kawasaki KE-175, 77 GS750 with total yosh stage 1 kit, 79 GS1000s, 80 GS1000S, 82 GS750e,82 GS1000S, 84 VF500f, 86 FZR600, 95 Triumph Sprint 900,96 Triumph Sprint, 97 Triumph Sprint, 01 Kawasaki ZRX1200, 07 Triumph Tiger 1050, 01 Yam YFZ250F
                                Work in progress: 78 GS1000, unknown year GS1100ES

