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no spark - gpz600r 1985

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    No voltage getting from off/on switch when pressed but
    Voltage to one side. Can't strip switch assembly.

    No voltage getting to coils. Even with neutral, kill switch , clutch in ,
    And side stand up.
    No spark now even with direct power to coil. This is worrying.

    No voltage to the clutch switch.

    No voltage getting to starter solenoid - as starter switch issue.
    Can jump it.

    So all I have really achieved is to make the kill switch work but much else seems to have gone backwards.
    I have probably gone as far as I can go with this bike it's an awful bike to work on and that is why we all have
    Gs 's.

    I am right in thinking the clutch switch should have 12v
    on one side and when pressed either it breaks the contact or makes it?
    Neither happens!

    How can I test the starter switch? Can I join the two
    Connections to isolate it ? And send power to starter solenoid ?

    wiring diagram2.jpg
    Last edited by ukjules; 02-17-2018, 04:51 PM.
    Owner of following bikes:
    1980 Suzuki GS550ET
    1977 Yamaha RD 250D
    1982 Kawasaki GPZ 750 R1
    1980 Suzuki GSX 250E


      Given up with this . Life is too short.
      Need to buy new switches , ecu ......
      Never had a no spark issue I couldnt fix but this bike
      Is the worst to work on I have ever known. Junk.

      From working perfectly to no spark with not
      Even taking it out of the garage.
      Owner of following bikes:
      1980 Suzuki GS550ET
      1977 Yamaha RD 250D
      1982 Kawasaki GPZ 750 R1
      1980 Suzuki GSX 250E


        Regarding the starter button if voltage is flowing to it but not coming out then carefully remove the On/Off klll switch by disconnecting the wires under the tank. Bring it to the bench and carefully remove the starter button contact & spring etc. Take pictures for reference.

        Start by cleaning then visually check for broken connections. Then troubleshoot with the Ohmeter: when Kill Switch is On & starter button depressed you should have continuity In & Out.

        Break up the job into smaller tasks might help here.

        1979 GS1000E (45 Yrs), 1981 GPz550 (11 Yrs)


          Thanks of course you are right.

          The issue is I can't seem to dismantle the switch.
          I tried once but I can't see a way to do it.

          I'll try one more time but switch is on the bench ....
          Owner of following bikes:
          1980 Suzuki GS550ET
          1977 Yamaha RD 250D
          1982 Kawasaki GPZ 750 R1
          1980 Suzuki GSX 250E


            Originally posted by ukjules View Post
            Given up with this . Life is too short.
            Need to buy new switches , ecu ......
            Never had a no spark issue I couldnt fix but this bike
            Is the worst to work on I have ever known. Junk.

            From working perfectly to no spark with not
            Even taking it out of the garage.
            HA!!! LOL through a 10,000 watt PA system!!!
            That's just what everybody thinks until they find the simple stupid reason the bike wouldn't run right.
            1982 GS1100G- road bike
            1990 GSX750F-(1127cc '92 GSXR engine)
            1987 Honda CBR600F Hurricane


              It's the design of the 600.
              My gs even though old was established design.
              Not perfect but it worked.
              My kwak 750 again sort of the last of the big
              air cooled 4's and good design.

              The 600r was the first of its line and suffers
              Terrible dead end designs.

              But you are right. The fix will be as simple as can be.

              All I k ow for next Europe trip the gs is com I g
              With me....
              Owner of following bikes:
              1980 Suzuki GS550ET
              1977 Yamaha RD 250D
              1982 Kawasaki GPZ 750 R1
              1980 Suzuki GSX 250E


                I managed to strip the switch.
                I've cleaned all the connections.

                I will try it on the bike tomorrow.
                The Killswitch checked out ok using a multimeter.
                The off on switch however when measuring ohms there was no change flicking the switch.
                Owner of following bikes:
                1980 Suzuki GS550ET
                1977 Yamaha RD 250D
                1982 Kawasaki GPZ 750 R1
                1980 Suzuki GSX 250E


                  It could be a wire broken internally.
                  As for ease to work on, taking body panels off is the huge PITA for working on sport bikes.
                  After that I've found many improvements in the oil cooled GSX-R family of bikes. One big improvement is much better gaskets.
                  1982 GS1100G- road bike
                  1990 GSX750F-(1127cc '92 GSXR engine)
                  1987 Honda CBR600F Hurricane



                    The bike now runs.

                    - removal / dismantle of switch and clean with dremel wire brush. Cleaned connections.

                    - made up new ht leads. Bench tested with caps. All ok.

                    - coils bench test ok.

                    - cleaned pickup connector box. Poor connection.

                    - all old parts , starter solenoid etc and fired first time.

                    Only issue flat bike battery.

                    Bike runs from bike tank so no issues with dirt in petrol.

                    Test on drive tomorrow.

                    But job done. Something that looked like ecu, starter solenoid .... was the damned switch.
                    It was as you say ! Simple in the end !
                    What a bike to work on ....

                    Thanks as always for help !
                    Last edited by ukjules; 02-21-2018, 09:59 AM.
                    Owner of following bikes:
                    1980 Suzuki GS550ET
                    1977 Yamaha RD 250D
                    1982 Kawasaki GPZ 750 R1
                    1980 Suzuki GSX 250E


                      That is great!!!
                      Went through a tough electrical problem with my GS1100G a couple summers ago, cutting out after a few miles. Bought new R/R and Stator because those tested bad, and I bought a used igniter box in frustration.
                      Turned out it was a bad coil that worked good for a few miles until warm, then cut out. Had spare coils on the shelf from years ago and put those on.
                      Took a month to track that issue down.
                      1982 GS1100G- road bike
                      1990 GSX750F-(1127cc '92 GSXR engine)
                      1987 Honda CBR600F Hurricane


                        I didn't see that you removed and cleaned the ground bolt from battery (-) to frame.
                        That little detail cost me 2 pair of ignitor boxes on a 84 Shadow 600 (@ $$$ a pair ). Mine was oxidized with a fine white powder. Clean and coat with copper-based anti-seize, put 500 miles on it after.
                        1980 GS1000G - The Beast - GOING... GOING... yup, it's gone. I'm bikeless !!! GAaaahh !!!
                        1978 KZ1000C1 Police - GONE !
                        1983 GPZ750, aka ZX750A1 - restored, fresh paint... Gave it back, it was a loaner !!!
                        Check My Albums for some of the 30+ headaches I've dealt with

                        I know -JUST- enough to make me REALLY dangerous !


                          It is the maddest of things that cause these issues.
                          I did not check the earth from the battery as you say.
                          My reason was I couldn't get to it .... the bike is a horror
                          to work on. I was lucky .

                          One thing to note was that it makes no difference
                          If clutch pulled in or side stand down.
                          They do have switches (how you test a switch with three wires coming
                          OUT is beyond me )
                          I don't recall ever having a problem starting with any combination .
                          So they basically make no difference.
                          Owner of following bikes:
                          1980 Suzuki GS550ET
                          1977 Yamaha RD 250D
                          1982 Kawasaki GPZ 750 R1
                          1980 Suzuki GSX 250E


                            I saw this on your other posting, and was thinking of the GS circuits.
                            My first thought is that maybe you have only one problem that is causing both the not-turnover and the no-voltage-at-coils symptoms.
                            Or, maybe is two problems, one causing the not-turn-over, and another problem that is causing the no-voltage-at-coils.

                            Originally posted by ukjules View Post
                            Starter button : voltage to it bit not coming out when
                            Button pressed. Not possible to strip switch .
                            Well, that is most likley the cause of your not-turn-over problem. (And maybe your solenoid is okay.)
                            But that would likley not cause your no-power-at-the-coils (but I do not know specifics of the your bike).

                            So try to fix the starter button, and/or jumper past the starter button somehow, looks like the two black wires on your schematic, and then see if solenoid pulls in and tried to turn over.

                            Originally posted by ukjules View Post

                            Clutch switch- no voltage getting to it.
                            Looking at your schematic (bad scan, but can figure out some if zoom in)....ew, different than GS.....

                            The clutch switch has 3 wires: one wire is the ground (blk/wht), other wire is involved with the netural swtich and netural light (lt grn?) and other wire (wht/grn?) comes from the "junction box" and the schematic give no idea what is connected inside that "junction box", maybe some relays (I suspect is really a junction box, maybe some relays, and the fuse panel since I dont see a fuse panel anywhere else on the schematic).

                            And I see that when the clutch lever is "in" the swtich should connect the ground wire (blk/wht) to the wht/grn(?) wire.... and when the clutch is "out" the swtich should connect the wht/grn(?) to the grn(?) wire. You could disconnect the connector and test the swtich for that functionality with continuity tester to know if the clutch swtich is functioning as it should. (kinda like you did with the sidestand swtich)

                            And maybe there isnt suppose to be power to the clutch swtich, I dont know, since dont know about the "junction box". So you saying "no power to the clutch switch" maybe okay.

                            I make these statements just based on what I see on schematic.

                            Other related thought:

                            Do you get the Netural light when is in netural.....?

                            Maybe problem with the netural switch could cause both the not-turn-over AND the no-power-to-the coils symptoms.

                            >>>later note:
                            Would benefit from experience/knowledge with that brand/model.
                            I know on some brands (like my BMW) the logic that cuts out the ignition is: "NOT in netural AND sidestand NOT up" (both at same time).
                            Another way to say it more generally is if "sidestand down and put in gear", that cuts out the ignition. So a problem with the gear/netural switch and you are dead on side of the road.
                            Last edited by Redman; 03-03-2018, 02:57 PM. Reason: spulling..... reword ... later note
                            Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                            GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                              Oh.. now see your post about fixing the starter button....okay, Good.

                              Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                              GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


