Started reassembling my engine yesterday, and got as far as the second bolt before striking trouble.
I put in the gear selector drum, put on the arm that holds it in place and the first bolt no problems.
I then put in the selector arm and the pivot bolt for that is where I got into trouble.
It tightened up, but the torque wrench didn't click, so I kept going, then it got loose, then I realised what was going on
The manual says torque of 11 - 16.5 foot pounds, I set the torque wrench to 13 which I figured was safe.
I'm not really sure how I managed to overtighten due to the torque wrench, but with my luck, I'm not surprised.
It's the bolt circled below:
It's number 12:
So, what can I do?
It looks like there's a few more mm's of thread depth below where it's stripped in the hole, so I figure a longer bolt will solve it for me hopefully.
Only catch there is that under the head of the bolt is a little pivot shaft for the arm, so it's not just a straight forward bolt.
I suppose I might be able to find a tube of the right diameter to fit over a bolt and perform the same function though...
Anyone else have any other ideas?