I haven't got the airbox in as it's a bit crappy and I have K&N pods awaiting, so I clamped some rag over the carb intakes for the moment to give it some filtering and pressure. I thought it was sucking too much air initially, so I ended up with a rag folded four times with some duct tape doing some more restriction too.

It does run, but it runs at about idle speed with the idle screw wound all the way out.

After attempting to get it running properly I gave it away and then discovered the plugs are black:

The other thing about this is that my ignitor is buggered so I'm using a prototype one I've done up with other guys' assistance using GM style HEI ignition modules.
Anyway, carbs have been totally cleaned (very well I might add) and are stock jets etc.
Valves have just been adjusted.
- Idles sort of ok but any load like a timing light causes it to stall.
- Will not rev at all, twisting the throttle makes the barest of difference.
- Will not idle for long and stalls.
- If I leave the fuel tap for the temporary fuel tank turned on, it spews fuel all over the shop.
- It occassionally backfires out the carb intakes and I can see puffs of smoke when this happens.
- Plugs are black.
So, all the above tells me it's running rich, whereas with the lack of an airbox lead me to think it should really be running lean. Obviously I'm wrong on that account!
So, my question really is where should I be starting? I know these sorts of questions have been raised numerous times but there are so many different things I can think of that I can't even begin to think where to look first.
One thing I tried was turning the mixture screws in, which didn't seem to make any difference.