Not sure where to list that as it could be in several categories.
i was given the above as a non runner, having been stood for 15+ years, so I did a full strip down and rebuild of everything including carbs, engine etc. I have done lots of checking of the electrics due to various issues getting the bike to star at all, as the were ground probs, starter button probs, timing probs, valve clearance probs, all of which were rectified one by one.... So I have had the bike running twice and the same thing happened, as follows;
it started fine and runs for about 5 minutes, then the revs fade and it dies and when I hit the starter button it acts as if the battery is flat, it turns over slower and for shorter periods of time until I just get the solenoid click. I checked the battery and it reads 13V. I left it over night and it fired up again as normal but the same thing happened. I thought the starter was bad, but as it fired up fine after the first incident it feels like the engine seized so the starter can't spin. I wondered if oil is not circulating round the engine too.. I am going to try again in the morning and if it is still stuck will try putting a wrench on the crank to see if it can be freed..
Any thoughts on the cause as need fresh eyes as I am convinced everything should be perfect having checked and rechecked every bit of this bike..