I'm rebuilding the engine and want to replace the piston rings. The rear cylinder block came off without any problem, but the front is stuck fast.
Before we got it, the bike was kept on a dairy farm and was regularly ridden through mud that was 'frequented' by cows......
There is one stud at the front that passes through some of the fins before it enters the block and that has obviously taken the brunt of the 'cow residue'!
I have managed to remove all the other studs (in the hope that it would help) but the block is still stuck fast at the front. I have tried heat (both heat gun.....and butane torch) I have tried 'persuading' it with a rubber hammer, with a metal hammer via a block of wood. I have tried unscrewing the offending stud, but have reached the limit of torque that I dare to apply. I've tried to prying it off with a couple of big screwdrivers (and managed to break one of the fins...is it best to use JB weld or is it better to stick the bit back on by brazing?)
I have also threaded a piece of stainless steel welding wire down the side of the stud and connected a drill to it and managed to loosen a bit of the corrosion by rapidly rotating the wire - but it's still not shifting....
Does anyone have any advice or suggestions of what I can do?
Many thanks in advance.