Complete noob here, no experience in performing any maintenance on motorcycles at all. I am a fellow gs owner and am in love with my bike so I would like to learn how to clean her up and keep her healthy.
I know that some will respond with that I should start searching the forums instead of just asking for help. I completely understand where you are coming from, however I am such a noob that I currently do not know where to start. All I ask is some suggestions as where to begin.
Some of my current problems are the battery does not charge while riding. This is quite embarrassing when going to places, expecting your bike to start up and you just putter there in the parking lot
I am guessing it is the alternator/stator?
Another is when my bike is warming up when I first start it, it sort of coughs, seems like it's not getting the right gas mixture. Does the carbs need to be cleaned? Or should I add some seafoam to fuel to clean out my system a bit?
I am also leaking some oil, the engines not quite clean so I can't tell where the leak is coming from. It's a very slight leak, however, it is enough to ruin my pants while riding so I would definitely like to get that fixed.
Is there a order of things that should be done? Where should I start? I am serious about learning so suggestions of what tools I should purchase to do the job right would be greatly appreciated as well.