Here's where the fun begins....about a mile and a half down the road I'm in a 50 mph zone. Wind her up to maybe 5000 rpm going up a hill and just as I was going over the top I hit bump in the road and suddenly I hear a sound like a golf ball sized rock just jumped up and whacked the underside of my engine! I quickly pulled in the clutch and pulled over. I see no damage, scrape marks or critter guts and blood... I figure ok it was a small rock? Sure that's it...I start up with no issues and ride down the road over some RR tracks. Same issue same sound exactly and same reaction. Nothing obvious caused it. I go home and drain the oil and strain it through a coffee filter....Not even a flake of metal...I even waved a strong magnet over the filter to be sure nothing is there...I put in new oil and go down the street at 25 mph at maybe 2k RPM on a smooth happened again. I could even feel it in the seat when the metallic bang happened. So I took her home and am wondering if maybe it's the tensioner. I do the basscliff test rotating the rear tire backwards in first gear and loosen the tensioner wheel. I rotate the tire forward and watch the wheel tighten up 1/3 turn or so with lots of tension left on the spring. Now I'm wondering if I have a clutch issue? Drive shaft? Gremlins?

Sorry for the long winded explanation but I figured that'd help with the head scratching obvious stuff.
Thanks in advance. P.S it's an 80 gs850g with about 16k miles.