I just had a very depressing breakdown about 15 minutes from home on my way to school. The bike first felt like it was going up hill, even though i was on level ground, and then completely shut off. (On the highway mind you). I pulled off to the side and noticed a very small oil spot on the right side of where the cylinder head meets the rest of the motor/trans. I tried starting again, and she did but was very weak, like running on 1 cylinder instead of 2 but it sounded full bodied, like 2 cylinders. I got off the highway and tried making it home on back roads but after a mile or two she died completely (probably gas related, because i got her running again a little while later on reserve). She's making a tapping sound from the right side though it is very weak, won't make it up hills. Compression seems the same because i felt the exhaust and both sides feel even. I think i snapped some valves. What do you all think? Unfortunately I had to leave her on the side of the road until I can get some help tonight to load her in the back of my pickup. Thanks for any advice. I am sad

Here's a picture of the cylinder gasket leak. its hard to see and it was very small, just extended part of the length of the fin.