Well, when I got home I realized that the end plate doesn't go far enough in to reveal the grooves for the clip to go in. I thought it was maybe because the rods were bent, but it's because the plate holes are too small to fit past the initial chamfer in the rods. Anyone ever encounter this problem?
The chain is somewhat still useable (but the mileage on it is unknown...bike has 19k and has been sitting a while) and I would hate to drop money on a new one (it came with an o-ring chain so I'm inclined to replace it with an o-ring chain). But if I do end up just replacing the chain, does anyone have any suggestions where I can find a quality o-ring chain for less than $100? Right now I have my eye on a Tsubaki Omega 530 chain on bike bandit (because I want to buy some other stuff too like an oil filter and service manual, and I can't find that combo anywhere else).
Also, I see there are some lesser brand o-ring chains on ebay for $60 shipped, and while I'm tempted, I don't want to splurge unless I know people have run them without any problems. Anyone have any experience with those?
Thanks (sorry for the long post)