Here's the offending link:

After scouring the shop at my school for either a chain break tool or a die grinder w/ a cutoff wheel (neither could be found), I ended up dremeling off those ugly hex spacers and taking them off. NBD...I should just be able to push those pieces through right?
WRONG! Because I can't find said chain break tool, I used a 2-jaw puller to try and push one of the pins through, and its being a f**king b***ard to get off. The puller can't push it through (even with me turning on it with a wrench) and it eventually gets to the point where it snaps off the chain, not doing a damn thing to push the pin through. Next I tried a punch, which was even less effective.
How can you break an o-ring chain? I can survive not riding for a week (its unfortunate, but I'd rather be safe than sorry) until my new chain arrives (can't count on it being here this week since I ordered from Cheap Cycle Parts) but I'm still gonna have to get this motherf***er off one of these days, and its not gonna come off by itself. I've only dealt with standard bike chains up to this point and this is my first o-ring chain. Is this normal? Is there some special technique to getting an o-ring chain apart?