I found the remaining piece of the failed camchain and there is what I think of as a "normal" amount of debris in the bottom - mostly tiny bits of the surfaces of the tensioners and 14k miles of sludge. Not bad, really.
My plan is to clean all that out.
I'll pull the crankshaft and the transmission & shifter and oil pump and then clean / flush the upper and lower cases.
What do I do with the crankshaft bearings during this? Do those shells stay put, or do I remove 'em? I don't want to disturb them if I shouldn't be. Other than making sure that they go back into the exact location they came out of, what else to I have to be careful of? Visually, they look perfect to me (no signs of wear or wiping or debris damage).
Also, what is the consensus when it's time to put the cases back together re: the transmission - is it easier to put the two gear clusters in the inverted top half and 'fit' the gear changer forks on 'em as I lower the bottom half down? Or is it easier to fit the gear clusters into the bottom half into the changer forks, hold it all together, and fit the clusters into their bearing fits as I lower the bottom half down? The bearings must engage their anti-rotation pins as I fit the two halves together.
One odd observation: when I was loosening the case bolts that clamp the crank bearings together (motor inverted, looking at the bottom of the motor), each one made a "pssshh" sound when I first broke 'em loose, and I got the very strong odor of air like from a tire. That kind of inner-tubey smell you get when you bleed air from a tire. Very odd. This was only the 12 larger bolts that span the crank bearings. None of the other case bolts from either the bottom nor the top.
Thoughts? Comments?