I took the bike out for it's first ride on Saturday morning and was impressed with it's pulling power and low end torque. It seemed to be running fine. The carb setting seem to be spot on, it accelerates cleanly and briskly. And all this with just a bench synch. Only about 3 km covered on this ride.
I took it for a second run in the afternoon, a little further this time, probably about 10 km. When I got home the top end seemed to be making a lot of noise. On further investigation I found that the small nut holding the knurled knob on the cam chain tensioner had come adrift and the knurled knob had come off and was nowhere to be found. The small nut and the large spring were still residing under the carby bowls.
Fortunately I have a spare cam chain tensioner from which I can rob parts to do the repair.
I have the following questions:
1. I could not rotate the shaft which the knurled knob goes on, is this normal?
2. When this knurled knob fell off and hence released tension on it's shaft what problem did this cause if any?
3. Also when the knurled knob fell off wouldn't the plunger and it's spring have kept pressure on the slipper blade to maintain tension on the cam chain?
4. Also what is the relationship between the knurled knob shaft and the plunger shaft? How does this mechanism work in practice?
5. How do I fix the problem, is it good enough to just replace the knurled knob, rewind the spring 1 1/2 turns and refit the nut (with Loctite this time). I know I should have followed Bwringer's advice. Or do I need to remove the carbs, tensioner and reset it properly and then refit it again.
Any comments will be gratefully received.