got the o rings finally, thanks everyone for sending out the bulk xmas cards it really slowed the other important mail down...
so.... its sat 11pm the girlfiend says goodnight i grunt next thing its 2.30 in the morning and there back together!!. So i leave the shed/lounge and crash out. And no Iam not naked.
sunday its the final thrash, all goes in well except the fraying choke cable snaps..
starting took a bit, bat was flat so it was too the hills we went..4 hills latter i realised one of the switches was in the off position...argh... another 2 hills (thanks babe) it fired and ran!!
it idles great but has no pull, i was able to ride around the back streets recharging the battery, but as soon as i gave it a bit of throttle it felt like it had the choke on.. and would surge and back fire. Allowing the bike to roll down hills no throttle it wouldnt back fire and seamed to run smooth.
so .... idle Good, rolling down from speed no throtle Good, but accelrating even in small amounts and she would fart and surge. Ideas gs gods?
also this is what the plugs looked like after the 15 min ride,
so let me have it people....type the goodness...