Step one, tore down the head, ran in acid bath/hot tank for a day, cleaned valves, lapped valves, installed new valve seals, measured valve clearance. That all checked out ok.
upon assembly of the motor i followed my haynes manual to the T. cleaned all the mating surfaces of engine parts with brake cleaner and a razor blade, and a 600 grit sandpaper. I cleaned the cylinder bores with a air grinder and 3M roloc aluminum sander "finger style" i guess you call them, discs. They remove the gasket but not the material.
NOW, the fun part. Last night i assembled the motor, put everything together, and BOOM fired it up on the 3rd kick like normal.

Right around the #1 cylinder, bottom of the cylinder bores where the bores meet the crankcase its POURING oil, like i mean its just draining the thing. I used SUZUKI OEM gaskets, o rings, everything!
So tonight i pull EVERYTHING apart again, bring out the spare set i ordered for that "just in case" situation(here it is...) Double check my surfaces, yup, clean. this time i used some black RTV around the O rings and that particular area where the leak is, and well you can guess what happens next...
still leaks...

im dumbfounded. Im a 4th year apprentice toyota mechanic and consider myself extremely mechanically inclined. This has me stumped! The only idea i can fathom is that my mating surfaces are not flat. ill rip it apart and bring a straightedge home to "square" things away. yukyuk

I really could use the help, this has me scratching my head.