When I pulled the carbs off (82 750E has boots, so no o-rings) there was a tannish-cream colored powder that came out of the intake ports and the boots. After doing some research on here, I am guessing some previous owner used some kind of sealant to stop air leaks instead of replacing the boots, and this has dried... the picture below shows the intake with most of powder removed from inside the port with my fingers, but you can see it surrounding the outside of the ports where the boots fit.
So my question is this... I have purchased the above parts and materials in preparation to clean and try to start the motor before I purchase anything else. Does anyone see any major reason to pull the head since this is on the intake side? I could pull the exhaust and blow compressed air through combustion chamber to clear it out... I don't mind doing a thorough job on the bike, but would like to know what else I am looking to have to replace before I decide how much money I am willing to spend to get the bike going.
Thanks in advance and sorry for such a long post... fyi, I have never torn down a motorcycle motor to test for such things as cyclinder wear, etc.. So that would be either all new ground for me or a trip to a machine shop $$.