A friend bought this bike about the same time as I bought my '82 GS850G, about a year and a half ago.
It was running fine and is very clean and straight but suddenly developed a timing chain tensioner rattle and my friend parked it. He's apparently decided it's too much of a problem to deal with so he's selling the bike for $1000. I can't remember what he paid.
Since I paid $1600 for my GS850G with 17K miles I'm thinking his bike is worth just as much or more. I'm thinking of buying his bike, having the timing chain rattle fixed and then sell it for some profit. I'm wondering how expensive it will be to tend to this timing chain problem. Without knowing just what the problem is I know it's hard to say, but the engine runs fine - just has this bad rattle. I don't want to get into it myself since I have too many things going on just now and don't want to take it on, so I would take it to someone I know that does good work.
Since the head probably has to come off, might as well do the valves too. How much money/time-per-hour is this job going to run, ballpark?
Is this an idea worth pursuing - will I make enough to justify running this bike around to the shop, DMV hassles, etc.?
And on another note, what does anyone think this timing chain tensioner rattle might be and what caused it? I've never had it happen on either my old GS850G (70K+ miles) or my new one. It's pretty much the same motor I think.