Just finished the removal of my old rattling clutch basket and re-assy using a second hand basket that had no broken springs.
During the re-assy I was interrupted, lost the old train of thought for a while, and am now a bit vague about how well I did the alignment of the oil pump drive gear to the rear of the clutch basket.
My uncertainty is due to the change in engine running noise; no more rattling

It is not a nerve shredding noise, and may have always been there but just masked by the sound of the broken springs in my old basket.
The fact that my clutch cable had to be slackened a fair amount to get it to release the clutch is also concerning me as I did not change any plates/springs etc
So finally a question: If I had failed to get the two dogs on the oil pump gear to mate up with the cut outs on the rear of the basket, should I have been able to push the basket bearing and spacer further back than flush with the front edge of the basket?

I was not able to do this during the re-fit so all may still be well.
Also, in one of the cut outs on the back of the basket for the oil pump gear there is hole, do you know what this is for?
If you've got one in pieces and fancy checking it out that would be much appreciated, It would save me another oil drain, gasket and strip down to double check.
Cheers for the advice.