First, she still seems to be running rich or lean. Not sure actually. There is a heavy gas smell from the tailpipes. And she's still very cold blooded. Had trouble starting the other day. But when she takes she warms nice and even. My buddy ordered the sync tool but when it arrived it was the wrong one! It was a two cylinder not a four. So it hasn't been "synced" but it's set with the bench marks. But after she warms she idles at 1100 which is good. Could we have set it wrong? And now I may take it to a mechanic(not the one that had my bike last year for months) to sync.
We haven't attempted to adjust the valves yet or check the clearances. Could clearances cause any of the above?
I may buy a new petcock just as a safe measure. It seems to work ok but the tab is damn near impossible to turn by hand.
I've taken her for two longer rides. 50 miles and 70 miles. She runs, shifts, and handles well. But now my concern. At about 3500-4000rpm and beyond there is a bad vibration while under load. Its especially noticeable while at highway speeds. But if I pull the clutch in the vibration goes away. The vibrating is felt mainly in the foot pegs. So I'm assuming its a clutch thing. It rolls out nice in first and nothing outworldy wrong. No clanking in the clutch or even the motor. Just at speed. Is this normal? It has new tires, chain, and sprockets. Fluids have all been changed and filters are new. Any ideas would be appreciated.
The bike is an 82 GS750T.
And we're getting closer to a problem free beauty! Thanks for all the help everyone
