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Replacing cams 78 GS1000

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    I went off the pages I printed out of the manual I got from BassCliff's website. pictures are fairly dark and misleading.

    Edit: went back to basscliff's website and looked at his 8 valve procedure towards the bottom. Gonna see if that one makes a difference which it may cuz Ill have the loobes in a different position than before. It does say it is for a 850 though. but I guess we'll seee.
    Last edited by Guest; 06-16-2011, 06:39 PM.


      Still torn apart. Cant find anyone locally with any shims. I guess Ill need to buy a whole set to get the one shim I need.


        Originally posted by morrison View Post
        Still torn apart. Cant find anyone locally with any shims. I guess Ill need to buy a whole set to get the one shim I need.
        You don't need a whole set, which will contain a bunch of sizes you will never use. Look at what shims you currently have and order enough spares that are thinner so you will have whatever eventuality presents itself. For example: if your current shims are in the 2.70 to 2.60 range, make sure you have some 2.60, 2.55, 2.50 shims on hand. You may also need a 2.65, but hopefully you can recycle some from other valve positions.

        To measure is to know.

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          Originally posted by morrison View Post
          Still torn apart. Cant find anyone locally with any shims. I guess Ill need to buy a whole set to get the one shim I need.
          did you get Steve's spreadsheet for the valve adjustment?

          You can order individual shims from Z1 or go to the Shim swap club here

          What size shim do you need?
          1978 GS 1000 (since new)
          1979 GS 1000 (The Fridge, superbike replica project)
          1978 GS 1000 (parts)
          1981 GS 850 (anyone want a project?)
          1981 GPZ 550 (backroad screamer)
          1970 450 Mk IIID (THUMP!)
          2007 DRz 400S
          1999 ATK 490ES
          1994 DR 350SES


            Where do you live? Which ONE do you need?
            I probably have it and could possibly get it to you sooner.



              I have been looking for a 2.80 shim. The current shim is a 2.85 and no feeler fits so Im hoping that a 2.80 will do the trick. I have a place here call Cycleman that is only open weds thurs friday. so Today im gonna check him out and see what he has.


                Originally posted by morrison View Post
                I have been looking for a 2.80 shim. The current shim is a 2.85 and no feeler fits so Im hoping that a 2.80 will do the trick.
                If you can turn the bucket with your finger, there is still some clearance and a 2.80 shim would probably work. If the bucket is tight, it means there is no clearance at all, and then 2 sizes smaller would be required, i.e. 2.75.

                With shims in this size range, there is not much wear on your valve components. Higher mileage bikes are using 2.5's shims already!
                1981 GS850G "Blue Magic" (Bike Of The Month April 2009)

                1981 GS1000G "Leo" (Bike Of The Month August 2023)


                  Yes all the tappets spin on everyone that doesn't fit a feeler. So I suppose all I would need for each one is gonna be one size down.

