We have to do emissions here in AZ, and it failed with about 2x the limit on HC so I put some new plugs in last night. In the course of doing that, I did the following:
* Plug wires were cracked, so I pulled the tank to see what coils were there to order replacements
* Changed plugs, with 0.32 gap. Used NGK BR8ES
* Pulled air filter and cleaned it. It had so much oil it would stick to my hands. Normal?
* Attempted to remove air box, before realizing the filter was accessed under the seat
I put everything back together, and went for a spin around the block. All seemed well, but it did backfire. Didn't think anything of it really since it's done it since I bought it.
This morning I tried to take it to work and I'd get about a 1/4 mile and start having hesitation. Shortly after would come drastic power loss, eventually to the point of being full throttle and still decelerating. The 3rd time it died, I gave up and called a taxi. A co-worker took me back to the bike at lunch and it did it again.
I've verified that all of the intake boots from the airbox to carbs are tight
I double checked the air filter and it looks fine
Checked my plug wires, and they're on tight and in the right order... But the boots are cracked.
I just need to get this thing rideable since it's my only transportation. I plan on going through the whole thing and sorting it all out once it passes emissions and is registered.